28. And I Fell

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I was awoken during my nap to sharp twinges of cramps in my lower abdomen and I knew some pain killers would help. Noah had stepped out for a couple hours to run some errands. I took advantage of the opportunity and I made my way downstairs and over to the pill bottle sitting on the coffee table.

I took the bottle with me back up the stairs knowing it would be a matter of no time until I was back in dream land.

"Are you serious, Eve?"

I was startled awake seeing him picking up my pill bottle seeing it was almost empty.

"Huh?" I yawned closing my eyes again just listening to him.

"Hey..." he said very seriously causing me to open my eyes and look over at him. He stared me down and noticed my eyes were red and glossy.

"Your pupils are huge...This bottle should have lasted you another week! What is going on with you?! I'm starting to think you don't need a refill. These are unhealthy and clearly it's becoming a problem."

Suddenly I felt angry. I had been rather irritable lately but I just figured it was the hormones from all the trauma to my body.

"A problem? You have a goddamn nerve trying to tell me I have a problem. Just mind your business!" I barked rudely.

"Eve I'm worried about you okay?"

"Well don't be!" I snapped back. "I don't even know why you're still here! I never asked you to stay with me in the first place! You're not going to babysit me like I'm five! I'm not a goddamn addict like you! Why don't you leave me alone and focus on yourself?!" I yelled, knowing I was being mean but I couldn't help it. He had been irritating me bringing up the pills again.

"Why can't you just accept the fact that I fucking care about you Eve?!"

"Because it's not your job to do this shit for me! I'm fine! This is why we're never getting back together Noah! You say you've changed but here you are trying to fucking control me again! This is why I know I'll never be happy being with you! You're unbelievable!"

I could have sworn I saw Noah's eyes water but he frowned and wouldn't look at me.

"You know what...I give up! Do whatever the hell you want Eve! I'm done trying to help you! I promise you I'll never ever ask you to take me back ever again. Clearly you don't love me anymore and I'm sorry I thought there might have still been a small chance. " he slammed the pills down next to me and he started toward the door.

"I'm still going to stay and finish helping you until the weekend and after that I promise you'll never have to see me or talk to me ever again. I'm done chasing you." He turned around swiftly and slammed the door behind him. I eventually heard the front door slam and I sighed to myself just taking in everything that just happened. I felt so angry that I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it. Everything that happened this last week was so hard and it was all hitting me at once. I cried for a long time, thinking about what sex the baby would have been and what we would have named it. These pills were the only thing helping me right now in feeling just a little bit better and temporarily forgetting my issues and heartbreak. I know Noah meant well, but he was overstepping his boundaries. I'm an adult and don't need him to supervise me. Especially when we're not even together anymore. I laid there overthinking for a while until my eyes felt heavy and my exhausted mind went dark.


Noah and I were in the car and he was driving. It was a beautiful sunny day outside and the windows were rolled down. The breeze ran through my hair as I stuck my arm out the window and sang along to the song that was playing on the radio. It was Sunshine! by Beartooth and it always hyped me up when it came on no matter how many times I heard it. The irony of the song was in the depressing lyrics but the upbeat melody made me happy when I sang along.

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