34. Or Will You Turn Up The Heat?

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The ride from the venue to the hotel room was such a blur. It was almost as if the world around us didn't exist. Noah and I were completely zoned into each other and literally tongue-tied, barely breaking away for air when we slammed the hotel room door open.

He wasted no time as he kicked the door shut behind him and he scooped me up suddenly, causing me to squeal out and giggle almost at the same time. Being so high off of the coke gave me a different kind of energy and I had yet to experiment with the new burst of life during sex with Noah. In a twisted way I was excited, trying to push the guilt into the back of my mind so I didn't ruin the mood. We were newly engaged and I hadn't seen him this happy in a long time. We had been through such an emotional rollercoaster over our years together, and to confess to him right in this moment and rob him of his happiness would be cruel.

He playfully tossed me onto the bed and I laughed and watched him practically rip off his tank top and cargo pants. He was still sweaty from the show and he knew it was a turn-on of mine. Thee Noah Sebastian that just musically moved a room full of people and so many people gawked over what was all mine. There was a deep eroticism that would take over me...to have him to myself after seeing him in his element on stage in front of thousands of people. Even after all this time, it was surreal.

Our clothes became a pile on the floor, and I suddenly took him over, straddling him and pinning his arms above his head. The drugs were igniting a dominating fire in me that had never truly shown before. Noah's eyes read lust but his facial expression was that of both astonishment and surprise.

I guided him with my hand and slipped him inside me causing us both to moan in unison. I started to ride him vivaciously. Noah noticed a slight change in my demeanor but he just brushed it off, loving this side of me that he hadn't experienced before.

"You're so fucking hot, baby..." Noah grunted with pleasure and I moaned in response, eventually resting my hands on his chest for more stability as I sped up. I closed my eyes to relish in the moment as I felt him run his warm hand up along my stomach and ribs he gently pinched my nipple with his thumb and forefinger. I couldn't help but to groan out with pleasure as his hand snaked its way up over my chest and around my neck. The sound of Noah's labored breaths was a familiar melody to me and it inspired me to keep going. It was bitter sweet being the one to exceed his needs and shower him with so much pleasure, knowing eventually I would have to tell him the truth about my habit and possibly risk losing him forever. I wanted to enjoy every bit of his touch just in case it was the last time I would ever get to feel him.

His touch caused a spark in me that I couldn't describe, sending electric shocks of passion throughout my entire body. We took our time, intensely making love in all different ways and I lost track of time but I never wanted it to end. We both collapsed in unison when we eventually reached our peaks together. My head was swirling around, between my energy crashing hard from the cocaine and multiple orgasms. Any bit of energy I had left in me was absolutely spent. I laid my head on Noah's chest, catching my breath, listening to him try to catch his as well.

"That was fucking amazing." He gloated, wrapping his arm around me and using his free hand to push the hair away from my face and kissing me softly. I kissed him back loving that Noah was always an advocate for aftercare, never quick to go anywhere and just lay with me and coddle me.

"It always is with you." I smiled and I stretched out my left arm into the air, admiring the sparkling ring on my finger.

"Do you like it?" He sounded a little nervous and I looked at him slightly bewildered.

"Noah, I love it. You just know me so well...you know my heart and this ring is absolutely perfect." He rubbed my back gently, proud of himself that he did good choosing it on his own. He kept it a secret that he was proposing and never bothered asking for anyone's opinion. Noah was always a private man, but with all of the fame and being in the metalcore spotlight, he didn't get to keep very much just between him and I anymore. It was important to him that no one tarnish it for us. There were a few top options for rings that he had considered, but he went with his gut, knowing me like a book, and the choice was an exquisite one.

"Eve Davis....." I said aloud and couldn't help but to grin. "I can't believe it."

"I like the way that sounds. I'm sorry it took this long but I clearly had to get my shit together first." He smiled a little just thinking about how far we've come. I started day dreaming about what our wedding might be like. Noah and I were similar in that we didn't like extravagant things, so we would more than likely be on the same page when it came to planning.

"I love you, Noah." I felt the need to confess as I ran my hand over his chest caressingly. I closed my eyes and listened for his heart beat.

"I love you too, so much Eve. I can't wait to finally marry you baby."My stomach fluttered can't believing we made it to this point. To think we used to argue so much and almost come to blows...and now we were going strong...up until the point where I had to tell him the truth. All I could do was hope that he would stick by me if I just be honest. I eventually fell asleep, wondering if it  was possible for my heart to implode with guilt.

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