63. But It Seems Like Enough For Us

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Noah left a day early for San Bernardino in order to prepare for Mayhem Festival. I already had Scarlett and I's clothes packed and we were getting on the plane today to meet them. We were flying into California to land in the late afternoon which still gave us plenty of time with Noah and the guys since they were headlining and playing last.

"Finish eating baby we have to call the Uber soon. We have to go get on the big airplane." Scarlett would always get distracted by other things while she was eating and I had to bring her back like most toddlers.

"We go see daddy?" She asked, then stuffed her face with her breakfast.

"Yes. And all your Uncles and Auntie Angela and even cousin Brayden. Are you excited?"

She nodded and I giggled a bit at her stuffed cheeks. She looked like a little chipmunk.

"Scarlett, what did I tell you about small bites. Small bites." My phone started ringing and I smiled to myself seeing it was Noah.

"Hi baby." I answered. Scarlett was attempting to climb out of her seat and I gave her 'the eyes' that parents just seem to have and put my hand on her shoulder to sit her back down.

"Hey my sweet girl. I just wanted to call and make sure everything's running smoothly. How's Scar?"

"She's excited. We can't wait to see you." I confessed. Noah and I have been doing really well and we've been closer than ever. The one night without him was a lonely one.

"Just a few more hours babe. I missed you last night. I can't wait to get my hands on you..." he lowered his voice toward the end of his sentence, his voice suddenly overcome with lust.

I smiled to myself.

"Aren't you gonna be too tired?"

"Are you kidding me? I'm never too tired for you. I'll drink fifteen Red Bulls right now."

"Okay no," I giggled. "If you have a heart attack it won't do us much good now will it?"

"You're right, you're right. Either way, I can't wait to see you beautiful." I melted and I heard Folio talking in the background. "I gotta go to sound check baby I love you so much. Have a safe flight and tell Scarlett to be a good girl."

"I will and I love you more. We'll see you soon baby. Have a good soundcheck." We hung up and after Scarlett finished eating, I changed her and we got ready to go. The Uber pulled up and I got Scarlett into her car seat and the driver was nice enough to help me with the bags. On the ride to the airport, Scarlett was distracted with her toy and I scrolled aimlessly on my phone, already growing bored.

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