50. If It Doesn't Take Me First

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                              ***Eves POV***

My eyes remained closed as I rested them. I'm downright exhausted, and have been for days, but I just can't seem to fully fall asleep. My mind has been working overtime.

It's bothering me that I can't seem to remember anything about who I am or what my life is like.

The last couple days, I had this beautiful man named Noah next to me. He claimed that he was my husband, and I wanted to remember so badly how I managed to snag him. His face was perfect and he was so kind. He also seemed so genuinely worried about me. It made me feel terrible that I didn't feel anything toward him at the moment. He was nice to look at, but I was indifferent on the inside. I didn't know him from a can of paint, but he had been telling me all about our life together and a lot about how we made it up to this point. It was frustrating to me, though, that I couldn't even recall why I was in here in the first place, and it was apparent that no one wanted to tell me why.

I felt so secluded, like everyone was in on a big secret except for me, and it was unfair considering it had everything to do with me. I deserve to know.

I was doing everything in me to try and recall what exactly did occur. For the last couple days, these two men that claimed they were detectives would stop by and chat with Noah in the hallway, and I hated that they purposely kept me out of things. It's my fucking life and I deserve answers.

I wanted to try and sleep so badly, but I just couldn't. I slept in spurts, maybe a half an hour at most, but I just kept jolting awake. It was almost like my body was subconsciously wanting me to stay alert and I also just couldn't get comfortable since I was still aching in various places.

I heard the door click open, and at first I didn't have the energy to open my eyes. I just listened. Occasionally the nurse would come in through the night to check on me and check my vitals, but I was hoping she would just leave me be if I pretended to be asleep.

I heard a few foot steps and a bit of shuffling, but then sudden it went quiet.


I slowly opened my eyes and I jumped to see a man I didn't recognize standing over baby girl's bassinet next to my bed. He was pale, and had countless tattoos and a nose ring. He was wearing a black baseball cap and had a goatee that was scruffy like he hadn't shaved in a while. The bags under his eyes just screamed exhaustion and he looked extremely familiar. My eyes gazed down to a pillow he had been holding in one of his hands as he remained fixated on her.

He looked over at me and smirked a little and then he held a finger up to his lips.


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"Shhh. She's asleep." He whispered and he looked over his shoulder toward the hospital door. Who was he looking for?

"She looks just like her dad." He spoke as he narrowed his eyes down at my baby. I didn't like how he was looking at her.

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