26. Stay 'til Morning

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I was typing away, working on an article I needed to submit by tomorrow morning. I had a phone interview earlier with  the guys from Amity Affliction on their upcoming tour, but it was so hard to concentrate on writing. I had been feeling nauseous all morning, and all I could manage to keep down was water. I was almost finished with the first page of my article when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, sending shock throughout my body. I groaned and grabbed my stomach muttering "what the fuck," to myself. I hadn't had anything different to eat lately...I didn't have a fever...maybe it was just a stomach bug or something.

I tried to wait it out and keep myself occupied but the pain only started to increase. I went through my cabinet and I thought maybe taking some over the counter meds might help. Almost instantly I ended up vomiting them back up. My head began to throb and I went and laid on my couch realizing I must be coming down with something. This is the worst possible time.

After a while, a searing wave of pain ran over me and I grabbed my stomach starting to cry from the sensation. Something was seriously wrong. 
My legs felt like they were going numb and I started to panic. I managed to pick up my phone and hit the emergency dial not knowing what to do. As it rang once and I heard a voice on the other end,  another wave of pain came over me that was so immense, all I could do was close my eyes. I was too weak to answer. Everything went black.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but in my dreams I saw Noah. He was a bit younger, his extra long locks falling over his shoulders. He was smiling at me and i felt a warming comfort from the way he looked into my eyes with his. I felt like everything was okay again.

As I looked at his perfect face, I reached my hand out to touch  him. My hand almost grazed his cheek when his face started to slowly fade. I could hear a shallow beeping noise and it slowly got a little louder. I reached for Noah again but he vanished into the darkness.

Suddenly the repeated beeping remained close to my ear. I could hear someone shuffling around a bit.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard a wonderful familiar voice but it was masked with sadness. The desperation in his voice was evident but he managed to remain calm.

"Yes, sir. We gave her some morphine so she shouldn't feel much of anything when she wakes up. We think it might be her appendix but we're waiting on the results. We are just waiting on the doctor to come in. Let us know if you need anything." I heard footsteps lightly patter away.

After a few moments, I was nervous to, but I made myself slowly open my eyes. The fluorescent lights stung me and it took me a few blinks to try and adjust to the bright room. I could tell I was in a hospital room. I could hear the monitors. I felt pretty weak, but I managed to look over and see that I was hooked up to an IV. I pushed myself to turn my head just to notice Noah sitting in a chair next to my bed. It had been a few weeks since I laid eyes on him, and he looked over tired. His hair was still rather short but disheveled  and it was obvious he hadn't shaved in a while. He looked up at me and he looked a little surprised but I saw the look of relief come over him. His eyes were red with exhaustion. He looked broken. Just like Jolly said.

"Hey..." he spoke quietly not sure how I would react to him being there. Needless to say I was very scared and seeing him right now made me feel less alone.

I looked around really confused and Noah bounced his leg nervously.

"What...what happened?" I tried to remember what occurred before I blacked out, but I didn't recall much.

"I guess you passed out and you managed to hit 911 before you blacked out...I'm glad you did." He sighed deeply extremely worried. "As soon as they called me I came." I hit my lip embarrassed that they called him considering I hadn't seen him since that terrible night.

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