Chapter 5

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•3rd Person PoV•

After Jack uploaded his first video of the day, (which he edited earlier), he decided to film a "Reading Your Twitter Comments" because it was a Sunday, and tomorrow he had to upload it.

(Btw every answer/question and username is made up)

"'Jack, do you ever have hand cramps?' Uh, yeah I do! Y'know when you're playing a game, and your jamming the buttons with you hand a certain way? Yeah, that's the fucking worst. And then I have to continue the video as if my hand wasn't cramping! Fucking nightmare in a nutshell!" Jack complained while shaking his head.

Jack skimmed over other comments on his computer. He'd cut this part out. He usually has everything planned out, every comments, every reply to it, but today he decided to wing it.

Jack's eyes drifted towards this one particular comment.... It was... odd.

My_Jackie_Boy (@Jacksepticfan)
"Hey Sean, do you feel.... alone at the moment? Should I come say hi to keep you company? Oh, by the way, your girlfriend is beautiful. You two should really keep in touch" (idc if this is past the limit I'm to lazy to check)

"W-what the fuck?" Jack breathed out. He, surprisingly got a lot of creepy comments but... this one seemed different... something he should worry about... He might've felt more alarmed by his picture... it was Jack... sleeping...

"O-oh fuck," Jack whispered to himself horrified. What were they doing to his precious Lila? (Idk what her name is so I just called her the first name that came to mind. Jack might've said it back in the day but whatever)

He turned of his camera and swiped his phone up from his desk where his computers were. He went to Lila's contact and texted her.


Me: Hey Lila what's up
Me: Lila?
Me: Lila you're worrying me

Jack was in the middle of another text when he got a text from a strange number.

"I told you." It said. Jack didn't feel sorrow. He didn't feel any sort of sadness in any way, nor pity or regret. No, he felt anger overcome his body. 'That fucking cunt,' he thought, 'that motherfucker is gonna pay!' He slammed his phone on the table, put some pants on, put his phone and wallet in his pocket and went outside.

It wasn't like he knew where he was going or anything. He just wanted to... get out. Get his mind off of things. Jack didn't really know how to feel- I mean, it should be obvious right? Anger towards Dark and Anti, and guilt towards himself for letting Lila slip away so easily. Why did this happen to him? 'WHY?!?' He thought as he slumped onto the local park bench. He held his head in his hands and his elbows rested on his legs.

'It's so f-fucking cold damnit.' Jack thought, rubbing his arms. All he had on was a Game Grumps shirt and jeans.

"Excuse me?" A man's voice asked in Jack's direction. Jack remembered the voice from somewhere... shit, it felt so familiar but Jack didn't want to think about it. "What?" He asked through feuded teeth.

"Wait... Jack? Is it really you?" The voice questioned in disbelief. "I never thought I'd find you so quickly!"

Jack peered up to find-the one and only- Pewdipie. "P-pewds? Is that you?" Jack said with his eyes practically popping out of his head.

"Yeah, bro! I came to Ireland to visit since Marzia's in Italy to visit family and I don't want to be alone. So I had my close friends take care of Edgar and Maya and came here! I hope I didn't arrive at a bad time though..." Pewds' voice trailed off.

'Yeah,' Jack thought, 'you did. Probably the worst time possible.'

"Uhh, yeah- no, you came at a perfect time!" Jack smiled. "Well, in some ways..." Felix tilted his head in confusion. He stared at Jack, which made him sort of frustrated. 'What's wrong with Jack? Why is this time not ok?' Felix thought as he furrowed his eyebrows.

He kept staring intently down at Jack. He then noticed that Jack's teeth were chattering a million miles a minutes. He looked around and crossed his arms. "We would probably go somewhere a little..." Felix stopped and rubbed his arms, "...warmer..."

Jack smiled and looked up at Felix. He nodded his head and stood up, his arms crossed so his cold hands would land on his bicep, warming it up a bit. "We can chill at my house if that's ok," Jack suggested.

"Yeah," Felix smiled, "that'd be good." he said warmly. And so, they were off to Jack's house.

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