Chapter 1

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•3rd person PoV•

"And I will see you... IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" Jack screams while pumping his fists into the air. He turns off his camera and plops himself onto his bed. He just finished recording two extra videos for tomorrow so he could mostly rest.

Without realizing it, Jack drifted off into a deep sleep.


Jack woke up in a dark alleyway in the middle of the night. It was in a place Jack didn't recognize at all- the whole situation just went over his head.

Questions raced around recklessly in his mind such as: "Where am I?" And, "Am I really alone here?" And, "How in hell did I get here?".
Jack, being dumbfounded, walked cautiously out of the alley.

That is, until someone significantly stronger than Jack grabbed him by the blue hoodie and pulled him back into the alleyway.

*End of dream*

"Aargh!" Jack yelled as he jerked awake.

"H-holy... F-fuck- what the fuck?" Jack whispered to himself, observing his surroundings. He was tied up in a room with one lightbulb above him keeping the room "bright". In the corners of the room was nothing but darkness.

"Well, well, well. Looks like old Jacky-boy's awake." Someone chuckled evilly and walked out of the darkness of the room they were in.

Jack had nothing to say, even though his mouth was open. Wide open- with shock.
'No way!' Jack thought, 'H-he kinda looks like-' he paused in his head, 'm-me...'

"What? Cats got your tongue? Why so..." The man stopped for a second, "...quiet?" A grin crawled onto he man's face. Not a normal grin-a malicious one. One with no good intentions.

"I-uh... Who are y-" Jack got slapped in the face.

"Shut it, worm! I never told you to speak!" The man growled. He froze for a second and continued speaking.

"I am- as your filthy fans call me- Darksepticeye- but just call me Dark." He grinned that no-good grin again.

"And this-" Dark gestured to the corner next to him, "is Anti." Anti stepped it of the shadows.

Dark had black sclera (the white part of your eye) in his right eye, his cornea being a normal shade of blue- the same color of shade as Jack's. His left eye's sclera was an unnatural, sick green, and his cornea being the same color as the right's. He had an earlobe gauge with a black and green earring in both ears. He also wore a black hoodie and skinny jeans. His ears were pointed as an elf's would.

Anti, on the other hand was more official than Dark. He was suited in a doctor's outfit, bearing a needle in his right hand and occasionally flicking the needle with his left. Misty liquid would drop out of the needle when he did this. His eyes were the same as Jack and his ears were the same as Dark's- just not pierced.

"Why did y-you kidnap me?" Jack flinched as Dark got closer and leaned on the arms of the chair Jack was tied to.

"It's our job." He hissed in Jack's face. His breath smelled of metallic blood. Dark smiled, revealing his jagged, sharp teeth.

"W-why me?" Jack said, his eyes tearing up. Any other day, he would take it like a man and do something AWESOME to claim his victory- but he was kinda tied up and he knew that the two kidnappers were much stronger that him.

"Because, we have to-" dark got up and faced the wall as he angrily sighed, "Jack you IDIOT!" Dark quickly turned to Jack. "What the fuck do you not understand?!?"

"I-I'm not sure anymore, really..." Jack said hesitantly.

Anti chuckled before saying, "We're you, scumbag." His voice was deep, while Dark's was the same as Jack's.

"What?!?" Jack exclaimed. He just wanted to go home and cuddle SepticSam, but no.

"Well, one of your GENIUS fans (no offense if you made them up) created us. Just a figment of imagination. Well, now we're getting a lot of attention. Over half of your fanbase knows about us, Sean." Dark narrowed his eyes into Jack's. "And once we're well known, we're people. Just. Like. That. Poof!" Dark stopped in the middle of his speech. He didn't talk. He just stood there, waiting. He seemed concentrated.

"Well I-"

"-Shh.." Dark cut off Jack. It was silent until Dark pulled out a knife.

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