Chapter 10

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•Pewd's PoV•

"Felix! You know how I feel when you talk to Kalel! I feel like you pay more attention to her than me..." Marzia squealed from the end of the line.

"Babe, listen. I don't have any feelings for Kalel, and I never have, or will! Her new boyfriend can take care of that job." I yelled, slightly calmer than Marzia. She was getting on my case because I was in one of Kalel's vlogs the day that Marzia left and it was just now uploaded.

I heard Marzia sigh. "Ok, fine. I'm gonna go, we're almost at the restaurant. I love you Felix,"

"Love you too Marzia." I said as I hung up the phone. I peered over at Jack, who was still in bed.

"Sir?" A nurse walked up to me and I turned my direction towards her. "Visiting time is over, unless you show me your license or you're related."

I showed the lady my license and told her that I work with him, in a way. She asked me to explain, which I did very awkwardly, making her leave with a weird look on her face. I'm great at making first impressions.

Jack looks so depressed... I just hope that he survives. Just then, Jacks heart rate monitor sped up. It showed that it wasn't high enough to be having a heart attack, so it didn't alarm any doctors to come rushing in. I wonder what he's dreaming about. I stared at Jack and then realized that I should tell his fans what's all been going on. I took out my phone, but it didn't work. Stupid UK phone. I looked around until I saw Jack's phone. I took it and pressed record.

"Hey guys! Umm... So... You're probably wondering why I'm vlogging on Jacks channel. And the reason is... Well, he won't be uploading for God-knows-how long, and I'll tell you why later, but this is just an update. Thanks again, bye guys." I ended the video. I decided not to say 'bro' and do my infamous brofist because not everybody on Jack's subscriber list in also subscribed to me.

I went to YouTube on his phone and uploaded the video. After it was uploaded, comments came flooding in.


Omg I hope he's ok
             What even happened? Why is Pewds in a hospital?


+OliviaIsHot +HBOMB1234567890 you're both life ruiners y would you point that out wtf


(I'm listening to Bright by echo smith and it's the exact opposite from this story thought you'd like to know ok bye)

•Mark's PoV•

After getting bored of Tumblr, I decided to check YouTube. I saw that Jack uploaded a vid that was called 'An explanation'. I usually don't watch Jack's videos unless I've played that certain game, due to spoilers and keeping my reactions raw. But this one didn't seem like a gaming video, as the letters weren't in caps lock and Felix was on the thumbnail. I clicked on it out of curiosity and watched the video.

"Hey guys! Umm... So... You're probably wondering why I'm vlogging on Jacks channel. And the reason is... Well, he won't be uploading for God-knows-how long, and I'll tell you why later, but this is just an update. Thanks again, bye guys."

And then, the video ended. I saw in the comments that they were in a hospital, and my 'Best Friend Ever Created' instinct kicked in. I called Felix.

"Hello?" He asked quietly from the other side of the world.

"Hey Felix! How are you doing? Is everything alright?" I asked in a jumble of questions.

"W-wha?" He asked while exhaling.

"I saw the vid you posted, and I'm just wonder what in the world is going on." I scratched my head and held my breath.

"Oh," he sighed "yeah, no Jack's in a, how do I put this? Coma." He said bluntly, although I could hear a tint of sadness spilling from his smooth Swedish accent.

"Oh... Oh my, I hope he's better! He's like one of my best friends!" I screamed.

"Yeah, he's one of mine too. All we can do is pray at this point." He sniffled.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

"It's funny how one moment everything's fine, and then the next it's just a shitstorm!" He ranted, laughing towards the end.

"... Felix, when'd you even get in Ireland?" I asked out of nowhere.

"Yesterday, actually... Shit, that reminded me that all of my crap is still in the hotel!" He screamed into the microphone.

"Dude, than go get it!" I yelled back worriedly.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do..." Then, in a quieter tone that he probably didn't want me to hear, he whispered "I'm so sorry, Jack." And then the call ended.

Author's Note


I'm so sorry, that was a bad Danisnotonfire joke + it's not even December ftw

But yeah, this took WAAAYY too long to update bc I'm trying to catch up on Mark's Until Dawn which I'm only on like ep. 13 so its gonna take a couple more hrs.  And if you want you can ask (almost) any question as long as it doesn't give away any personal info. (For nickname reasons, you can call me CC) But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this v sloppy chapter (ω<)

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