Chapter 18

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•Felix's PoV•

No... She's gone! It-... This can't be real! Not like this! She's going to k-kill me!

"W-what do you wan-t from me-e?" I stutter out, crawling out of her reach.

"Who am I, Felix? Do you remember me?" She asked, putting my hand sassily on her hip.

"...F-Felicia....?" I mumbled out, trauma overtaking my body. "How the fuck did you even g-get in here!?" I ask, a little angrier.

"Aww, Felix, now there's no need to be rude!" She cooed, a sick smile crawling into her face. "I'm not here you hurt you..."

"Then who? Who's life are you going to threaten!?" I ask, beginning to stand up. She was shorter than me, despite her literally being a female version of me and her wearing high heels.

"Dark and Anti's." She cursed.

I look at her confused.

"Dark's the guy who put Jack into a coma and Anti planned all the magic behind it, you twat. Ya'know, mastermind behind the act; however you want to put it." She explained.

My face went from extremely confused, to my mouth having an "O" shape, to happy.



"So... Not my life? Or Marzia's... Nor Jack's, Ken's, Cry's, my family's, their famili-"

"No, you fucknut. I'm on your side for heavens sake." She rolled her eyes.

I let a smirk settle on my face. "... Good. Then we have a lot to go over."

•Jack's PoV•

I wake up in a room. It seems to be like a cinema, but with only one steel chair in the middle, in which I'm strapped to. There is a big, black screen in front of me; it almost takes up all of the high wall.

Then, it starts. A film that would answer my question that I asked way earlier.


"You know what? I refuse to kill them! They can't go down like this!" Lila screamed. Then, took a deep breath, closed her eyes and then opened them again. "But I can." Felix gasped with wide eyes.

She played with the switch which would allow for her to pick who would die- Felix or Marzia -and for a minute. "Wh-what? No! What about Jack-" she looked up at Felix with tear-filled eyes and cut him off. "Jack is going to die, anyways." She said sternly and then went back to fiddling with the switch.

Finally, she pulled out a wire from the switch. She then nodded to Felix and Marzia, and put the wire on her tongue, electrocuting herself.


".... Wow," the deep voice said in shock. "Ok, I see." He paused to laugh. "Felix, Marzia, you're free to go." The straps lifted, and Felix curled into a ball because of his instinct of securing myself. The door then opened.


I could feel tears stream rapidly down my face as a burning fire of hatred for Felix and Marzia bubbled and hissed inside my heart. How could they? Making my sweet, too pure for this world Lila take her life for them?! And just visiting me afterwards like it was all a happy day? "Oh, Jack, you're up! Aww, yeah, we'd rather not talk about Lila... But hey, you're up!" Sickens me to the fucking core.

"Get me o-outta here, n-now!" I attempt to scream, but it comes out of my mouth as more of a terrified statement. I wriggled in my seat, trying to remove my hands from the saw-like seat. I also tried to kick my legs, but failed due to my feet being strapped to, ironically, the legs of the chair.

I finally gave up my struggling, resting in the chair, sobbing my eyes out. I no longer felt the spark of energy to encourage me to get outta there- to attempt to get my life together. Which, let's be honest, isn't going to happen at this point.

I cried silently for what seemed like, and probably was, hours. I cried until I could barely feel my face anymore; until pins and needles attacked my cheeks. Even until my hands started to shake from lack of oxygen I was taking in since I was busy crying.

I cried until I fell asleep, believe it or not. And despite falling asleep in an unbelievably uncomfortable chair, in my unbelievably comfy bed. It legit felt like sleeping on clouds, no joke.

I woke up feeling numb and worthless. As if nothing really mattered anymore. I just wanted companionship; somebody to hold. To love, since I obviously didn't have a lover anymore. Trust me, I edit videos too. I could tell if something was edited, and that was real. Just thinking about it- and by it I mean my girlfriend committing suicide- sends chills up my spine.

And then, I knew what I had to do. I peered out the window to see it was almost completely dark. I walked to my bathroom to see me: a scrawny white boy who looks sleep-deprived and depressed. I then grabbed my keys and got it my car. I had a few ideas to get the companionship that I longed for ever so dearly.

Author's Note


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