Chapter 15

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•???'s PoV•

I'm back.

For good.

It'll take a while for them to see who's side I'm actually on.

They won't be disappointed.

I know for sure.

•Jack's PoV•

Suddenly, the good feeling stops. And I'm just... Here. I can feel a pressure on my chest as I see an extremely white light; and then it's all black again.

But my vision slowly adjusts as I can see the room I'm in. I look around, and my arms look horrible. Extremely pale skin; even among my standards! Veins popping out, lack of food becoming noticeable, an IV in my right arm; everything just looks terrible!

I lean to my right and pressed a small, blue button that called for a nurse. Suddenly, I heard a stampede of high heels clamping loudly on the tile floor as about five nurses entered the room all at once.

"He's alive!" The tall one with short, jet black hair cheered. A doctor came rushing in and checked in on me. Asking me what I remember, if I saw anything in the coma and if so what, and other stuff. I've got to admit that I didn't answer truthfully on the part about what I saw.

"Oh, nothing. It was all really boring; I suppose I could see out of a first-person view but I'm not sure if it was me." Is what I said, making the doctor nod and hum in appreciation.

Once everybody was gone, I grabbed my phone and rung Felix.





"Hello?" I tiny voice asked timidly. Marzia. I felt a slight pang in my chest, as I assume that Felix had left me, despite my condition. Who'd look after me!?

"Oh, hi, Marzia." I said awkwardly. "Is Felix there? Are you guys already back in Brighton?"

"Oh, no, he's napping right now. He's had a rough day; we're still in Ireland." She laughed slightly.

"Oh." I said simply. "Why are you here? Not to be rude, but I thought you were visiting family?"

"Oh, hehe, right," she said nervously. "I was, but Felix told me about your condition, and I just had to be over here!" She laughed awkwardly.

I was a bit confused, but went along with it. She said that her and Felix would drop by right when he woke up, which personally speaking, is pretty rude. Like, here I am, just woken up from a coma, and she just lets Felix sleep in? Oh ok, I see how it is. Of course, I'm not one to start a fight, so I should just store those thoughts away for another day. Maybe.


"Hey Jack-a-boy!" Felix yelled as he ran into the room, Marzia in the doorway with her arms crossed.

"Hey buddy," I laugh, side-hugging him since I'm still in bed.

"So how're you holding out?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking me straight in the eyes.

"Oh good, thanks for asking." I give a sincere smile, but his didn't seem as so. "Anyways," I say, breaking the awkward smiling. "I just can't wait to see Lila!" I clap my hands in a child-like manner and then turn to the couple.

Felix looked at Marzia with a 'fuck what now?' sort of face, leaving me dumbstruck. What did he mean by that look?

"So..." Felix chuckled slightly and looked at me. "When're you getting out of this hospital?"

"Um, Wednesday I think..." I ponder to myself. I grab my phone and decide to text Lila; just as an instinct.


Lila 💘

Me: Hey baby I'm up!!!!
Me: Do you wanna come visit me?

Me: It's at Detornial Hospital room 5c

Me: Babe???


"Felix, why isn't Lila responding?" I ask, pulling him out of his conversation.

He looked at me with a guilty look on his face. "Oh, uh, I'm not too sure..." He rubbed the back of his head and avoided eye contact. I say up in bed, more alarmed.

"Felix, Marzia, what the fuck happened to my baby?" I sneer between gritted teeth. They both flinch at my action, but I could care less. 

Marzia shook her head and grabbed her purse. "I'll be in the car," she smiled softly and darted as fast as she could in her heels out of the hospital, leaving Felix sitting in a chair.

"Explain." I hissed, crossing my arms.

He shook his head and threw his hands up in the air, eyes becoming teary. "Look, dude, bro," he sniffled.

"Don't bro me!" I yelled in frustration.

He looked down and back up at me. "Ok, Jack, I-I'm sorry; I don't know what to say!"

"Oh, I dunno, how about 'She's fucking perfect'!?" I retorted.

"Fine! She's fucking amazing! Brilliant, in fact!" He stood up, grabbed his coat and stomped out the door. But before he completely left, he yelled "I'm done with this shit!" over his shoulder.

I slam my hands down on the uncomfortable hospital bed and lay down. Fuck, now he hates me.

•Felix' PoV•

Multiple nurses tried to stop me and calm me down, but I just said "Nice to know," and kept walking. How fucking dare Jack?!? He knows I'm touchy feely about people dying! ...Not that he knows that she died, but he'll catch on.


I jumped in the car and slammed the door shut. Marzia looked at me with a questioning look. "Babe? Everything alright?"

"Yep," I hissed, turning the key in the slot. The car started to rumble, until it turned on successfully.

Marzia didn't dare to speak any more, as she just looked out the window in the distance.


Finally, the car ride was over. After avoiding multiple crashes with the rental car, and almost running three red lights, and maybe speeding and just getting out of a ticket, we were at the hotel.

I opened the door for Marzia, as a gentleman would. The tears were gone, and I was over the emotions. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. So, I take it out and look at it.


(555) 927-470

(555) 927-470: I'm back.


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