Chapter 6

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•Pewds' PoV•

When Jack let me into his apartment, I was immediately shocked. I've always thought of Jack as the "messy" type. Y'know, the kind who has smudges on everything capable of having them, a dirty fridge, stove and microwave, etc. Just a messy-looking house. But no.

It was beautiful. The counters- and the fridge!... The bar is just... and the floor! How does he manage?

"I know it's in terrible condition at the moment, and I'm sorry. I haven't cleaned in a while..." Jack said, slipping his hands into his front pockets and plastering a sheepish grin on.

"Terrible condition my ass!" I said sassily. What was he talking about? "It looks like you haven't touched the kitchen since you bought the dang apartment!"

"Well," Jack started, "I did get it cleaned professionally. And, I was really proud of it so I just got pizza for the past week or two." He chuckled the chuckle he commonly did on his channel.

"Ahh," I said understandingly.

I followed Jack into his living room and plopped myself into the chair, while Jack sat himself onto the matching couch.

"Just make yourself at home," Jack said. I nodded and looked around at the room. The flat-screened TV glistened in the newly formed sun peering in between the curtains. I looked down to find a fluffy blue carpet that matched well with the pillows.

"So..." Jack said awkwardly. It seemed like he wanted to start a conversation, but he was too shy to. "You could stay here if you haven't got anywhere else to go..." Jack caught me off guard. I looked at him and it seemed like he was flinching at his suggestion.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled, making Jack loosen up and smile back. I'm glad I have Jack as a friend. He's always so caring...

"So, what's on your mind?" I asked, striking up a conversation.

Jack shrugged. "I dunno. I just feel so..." Jack paused, and his eyes widened. "I forgot! The video!" He ran into his room.

Feel so what? Why did he just run away? Should I follow him? I got up and straightened my coat. What am I getting myself into?

I peered into his room he was in front of his camera. But he wasn't turning it on... he just took the card out and smashed.

"Woaah, calm down man!" I said, pulling him away from the card. (damnit I forgot what they are called) What was he doing? And why? And, an even better question, why the fuck am I on his case? I need to calm down.

"S-sorry," Jack said apologetically, taking deep breaths. "I just... got more frustrated then usual. I dunno what got into me." He shook his head and tightly shut his eyes. He stopped and looked up at me, since I'm a bit taller.

"P-Pewdie?" He asked in a shaky tone.

"Yeah, Jack?" I asked smiling. His eyes started to get puffy. He never calls me Pewdie...

"I... can I ask you something?" He said, looking into my eyes with hope.

"Yeah, anything buddy. I'm here, as any good friend would." He smiled and sat on his bed. I sat beside him.

"Ok, so watcha wanna talk abo-"

"I need help." ....O....k? ... What.... what exactly was my reaction to this supposed to be?

"Why?" I asked while shrugging my shoulders. I was so confused.

"Dark... and Anti... I'm not safe here, and I'm afraid you won't be, either." He placed his head into his hand and let a tear drip down his face.

I patted his back, "Jack, please don't cry. You're gonna make me sad, too." Tears welled up in my eyes. Aww, come on! Why does Jack gotta make me so emotional! It's getting to me because he's always so happy and energetic and to see him like this is just... heartbreaking.

"No, I just... I didn't think it'd even come to this... like, what did I do wrong?" He wailed, putting his bent hands somewhat in the air questioningly.

"Jack, who's Dark and Anti?" I asked.

"Alt... my uh..." Jack's voice breathed out shakily. I glanced down and saw both of his hands shaking.

"Alter uh... eg-egos..."

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