Chapter 19

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•Jack's PoV•

Warm bodies collided as pleasure filled my body. My dimly lit room set the mood as whispers of sweet nothings spilled out of our mouths. My head was clouded as if I were flying; I couldn't think straight.


But soon enough, it was over.


And I was alone once again.


I woke up feeling even worse than I had before, a stinging in my heart hurting more than ever. The same stinging I thought I could solve with prostitution.

I sat up and looked around. My clothes were scattered on the ground and there was a dried substance on my sheets that I had to clean up. So, that's what I did. I put some boxers and pants on and got to work. After the sheet was in the washer, I decided to take a long-needed shower.

I deserve it.

In a way...


I haven't made a video in a month and my subscribers and starting to worry. They'd always tweet me, or DM me, but I'd never respond. Same with Tumblr, I haven't blogged or reblogged fanart since Dark and Anti.

And it was time I gave them some answers.

"Hello guys," I said in a glum voice. I didn't do my normal into because I just couldn't bring myself up to it.

"I'm... Not in the best place at the moment, and I'll explain in a bit- but I just..." I sighed, looking away from the camera, but then turned my attention back to it. "I don't know. And honestly, I'm not ready to tell you guys. But just know that I am ok. I don't want you guys to worry or anything. And I'm sorry to say, that videos won't be uploaded for a while. I know it's bad, and I'm probably letting you guys down since I've never taken a day off videos, and if I have, I've had planned videos. But, when I'm back on my feet, videos will be coming in slowly at first, then harder than ever. Thanks for understanding; I'll see you when I do."

And then I ended the video. Which was uploaded no sooner than 5 minutes later.

I was scared shitless to look at the comments. But, I somehow mustered up the courage to do so.


ASDFJKL I hope he's ok!!!


Man u need to man the fuck up I'm over heer fuckin yo girl and yous cryin like a lil bitch

+BossAssBitch102??? What the actual fuck is wrong with you??? She's DEAD you mother fucker just have some respect for the man

+hallopeeps123 WHAT?? How'd you even find out???! I bet ur lying.

                           +NinaTheKiller actually, no. +hallopeeps123 is right; check out the Twitter handle "ohdidImention" and ull see for urself.


How'd they know? And what's Twitter got to do with this? Nonetheless, I checked it out. And lord was I surprised.


▼▲ u r dumb lol ▲▼ (@ohdidImention)
          guys guess what Jacksepticeye's gf died lozor she got electrocuted ⚡️⚡️⚡️ but now it's ok because he can love me lol


I was sick to my stomach. "Lolzor"? "He can love me"???! Who IS this person!?

I never thought I'd actually find out...

•Felix's PoV•

"Stay back," Felicia whispered to me. I could feel my heart beating 100mpm as she reared the corner. She'd brought me to some old warehouse that she claims "has some special people in it".

But, who?

As I was peering around the corner, I stubbed my toe. Hard. It made sort of a 'thud' sound.

Felicia put her finger over her mouth when she looked at me and then opened the door to reveal something I wouldn't have guessed in a million years.

It was Jack, tied in a chair, with a single lightbulb hanging over his head.

Sound familiar?

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