Valentine's Day Special

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We see Crypt packing and preparing something in his office, Jasmine, his secretary, saw and looked at him with confusion

Jasmine: Uuh...sir? What's going on?

Crypt: Oh! I didn't see you there Jasmine, I'm just packing some stuff for the trip tomorrow... that's all

Jasmine not believing him, grabbed one of the boxes and cut it open. Much to Crypt's chagrin and surprise, she saw roses, books, chocolates. She then saw the "golden ticket", a card, not just any card. A Valentine's Card, that was signed, "To Mom, from your beloved Son"

Jasmine: This is some stuff sir, [chuckle] you sure are Mama's Boy...

Crypt: [groaning and blushing] Shut it, Jaz. I'm still your boss, and FYI I'm proud to be a Mama's boy

Crypt said with a hint of pride, Jasmine just sighed and chuckled but before she left she saw that there weren't One box, but Two! After seeing this, she looked at Crypt and smirked, much to Crypt's confusion

Crypt: You might want to use a towel to wipe smug grin off your face

Jasmine: Who's the lucky lady~❤️

Crypt: One, fuck you. And Two, that's none of your business. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be preparing the Van to Heaven tomorrow

Jasmine's jaw dropped

Jasmine: Your mother's in heaven?!

Crypt: Why is everyone surprised about that? Everytime, dammit!

Jasmine: Well sorry that I'm surprised! I didn't expect your Mom birth a-

Crypt: Don't even dare finish that Jasmine...

Jasmine shut her mouth with an audible snap, Crypt sighed and loaded the Van that was parked outside of the building. As he was finishing up, he felt that he was being watched. He side glanced a nearby alleyway and saw a shadow

Crypt: Alastor...what do you want?

Alastor then manifested beside him, with a more "sincere" smile on his face.

Alastor: So, what's the occasion, dear friend?

Crypt: Familial visit...

Alastor: [grinned smile] Is that all? Hmm?

Crypt: The other one is personal, and I wish it to remain that way. Thank you very much

Alastor: [chuckles] Very well! But here...from Charlie

Alastor handed Crypt a card, saying "Happy Valentines Day, Crypt! To our "nicest" Overlord💝🎉". Crypt smiled and chuckled

Crypt: Huh...she finally used those old stickers of hers, anything else, Radio head?

Alastor: [groan] None, if you need me. I'll be having tea and a leg with Rosie at cannibal town, au revoir!

Alastor then walked off to Cannibal Town, leaving Crypt with a weirded out face

Crypt: [thoughts] It's bad enough that he eats raw deer at the hotel, and now body parts, too?

He shuddered at the prospect but continued on finishing his gifts for tomorrow

. . . Timeskip . . .

The next day, Crypt is checking his fuel for the journey plus snacks if the line was ever to be long. "Saint Valentine's Post Office" isn't exactly an all year thing, it only opens during Valentine's Day, hence the long line

Crypt: Fuel, check! Snacks, check! Tunes...

He looked at the glove compartment full of USBs, CDs and VCR tapes full of music

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