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It was dark, a singular dark room with a single light. Angel Dust woke up with a daze while tied onto a chair, he looked around the room itself. It was dirty, musky, and he was trying to escape he was panicking a little

Wolf demon: Finally awake, Angel Dust?

Angel: Yeah, and what's it to ya?

The demon then grabbed his hair forcefully

Wolf demon: I want you to tell me. Where your boss. Stashes his vault.

Angel: Hehehe! It's hilarious you think I'd tell you anything

Wolf demon: Fine! I guess I'll just have to fuck the information outta ya

Angel: Do your worst....


The demon ripped open his shirt and proceeds to fuck Angel Dust, turns out it was porn. And it's "show and tell" day. Both Vaggie and Charlie, mainly Charlie, was disturbed at the scene, Pentious looked uncertain, Niffty was enjoying, Angel was explaining the scene and Crypt was looking at the video while groaning in disbelief

Angel: Ya know, this performance won me a 'Sex-x-x-i' award!

Charlie: [uncomfortable] It's, uh...very... honest?... Oh

Vaggie: Ew!

Crypt: [still groaning]

Charlie was about to throw up

Crypt: Okay! Enough of that. Angel, what the fuck?

Angel: What?! You said it was "Show n' Tell" day. I'm showin' you my best film, and I'm tellin' you that it scored me a win over that bitch, "Tiffany Titfucker"

Crypt: [thoughts] 'Honestly, the names of these porn actors aren't as subtle'

Angel: Plus! Says the one that also made a porn film, hypocrite

Crypt: That was years ago, Angel. I was short on cash and it was a one time thing anyway

Angel: Still, you still have the top most longest run time and highest grossing porn movie, heck it even caught the attention of Asmodeus himself!

Crypt rolled his eyes, to him the past is the past. He was desperate before he became an Overlord

Husk: Ya know, not a very convincing interrogation scene

Angel: [scoffs] Alright dickhead, what makes you think you have any right to insult my work to my fuckin' face?

Husk: You really going to sit there and act like these scripts ain't hot garbage?

Angel: [Gasps] Fuck you. This is classy art.

The wolf demon grabbed and slapped Angel's ass and bites it

[Angel on TV] OH! FUUUCK~!!

Husk: That's bullshit. You get drunk and bitch about them all the time. Everyone likes to bitch to the bartender, I know everything about you and these motherfuckers at this point

That one, [points at Pentious]

That one is an insecure buffoon whose lonely ass watches you idiots sleep!

Crypt: You what?! You're under curfew

Pentious: [gulp]

Husk: [To Charlie] Princess, is a bleeding heart who wants to solve everybody else's problems 'cept her own

Crypt winced and felt bad for Charlie, the feeling was shared with Vaggie

Charlie: What?! No, I- what? Pfff, no, no...

Hazbin Hotel (X Internet Overlord)(18+)📈📉😈Where stories live. Discover now