Biography (Updated)

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"Listen, if you're here just to bitch and moan about your life story and not buy anything. Just get the fuck out"
- Crypt, Internet Overlord

Standing at 8ft tall he literally and figuratively overshadow both Alastor and Vox, although they consider Crypt as a more "nicer" Overlord. They know to not underestimate him, especially Vox who always calls him for any additional upgrades and repairs from time to time.


Crypt isn't his real name, he let his real name go long ago. But he was born in 1969, worked as a typist/typewritist in a newspaper company in New York as a part time job

He died in 1991 in LA during the height of the riots, he was shot in his car while driving to the airport

When he died: 22

Currently: 55


He has somewhat of a lax attitude but he still have his standards, Charlie considers him as an "Uncle that she never has" and ask him for some advice.

Vaggie considers him as a slacker and "know-it-all" jerk at the same time but to her, Crypt is still better than the rest of the tenants in the Hotel

Alastor doesn't like nor dislike him, but to him Crypt is a better conversationalist than Vox. He knows that radio still has a place in a world where visual entertainment is more appealing than mere "words" alone. Plus, Alastor gets a discount for any latest Electro Swing Music from Crypt.

Nifty, well she's obsessed so let's leave it that...

Husk, sees him as a relatable guy, one who's unhinged and uncaring on the outside but has a fatherly instinct that could make even lucifer weep in fear.

Angel Dust, sees him as another high paying customer but to Crypt. He sees Angel like his mother who's also work in an adult industry just make ends meet for her family. Crypt is very protective of him even though he doesn't look like it

Vox, sees him as a business partner no more no less unless its about his damn TV's again... Crypt is swearing to god right now the amount of TV's that Vox broke, it would make any country shit their pants

Valentino, he doesn't really care as long as his website is in check and being kept stable especially on Angel's debut

Velvet, she sees him with both indignation and somewhat respect. He's the one that regulates the algorithm for any recommendations in and out of pride, the one that controls her fashion pics through Voxtagram and many other social media sites.

Charlie, Vaggie, Husk, Angel Dust and Nifty

Neutral "Friends":
Vox, Alastor, Rosie, Zestial

Exterminators, Valentino, Velvette, Adam, Lute

Past/Present Love interest:
Velvette and ???


Frequency Jamming
He can jam any signal as big as pentagram city itself, it may look mundane but this weakens both Alastor and Vox's influence on their subjects and even contracted souls

Material Manipulation
He can turn any demonic/angelic body into other materials or objects on a whim

Dendritic Control
He can use wires and electrical components into weapons or limbs

Imagine this:

And this combine:

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And this combine:

Soul StoringHe can store souls that made a contract with him and put them onto his system for further services, imagine "Machine Spirits" in Warhammer 40k and its in your beck and call

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Soul Storing
He can store souls that made a contract with him and put them onto his system for further services, imagine "Machine Spirits" in Warhammer 40k and its in your beck and call

Despite being an overlord he has a motto for his "subjects":

"Never expect perfection in a world that is held on together with tape and glue"

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A/N: He also has a secret past, It'll be explained on the following episodes/chapters

Long story, short; It involves Charlie and Vaggie, and a LOT of screaming and explaining to do

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