Dad Beat Dad

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Vaggie was sleeping on a King-sized bed that her and Charlie sleeps on. She was in deep sleep when 5 consecutive knocks were heard outside

Kal: Vaggie... Hey, Vaggie. We kinda need your help..!

It was Crypt or rather its Kal-El now, he and Charlie permitted the others only to call him "Kal-El" in the Hotel, not outside just for his and the residents' safety

Vaggie tossed and turned, groaned even until she answered Kal's calls outside of the room

Vaggie: ...What? We're sleeping here...

Kal: Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep but we have a "Apple Pie Alert level 5" here...

THAT alert alone made Vaggie nearly jumped to her feet, she looked the other side of the bed and saw that Charlie wasn't there. She hurriedly put on her clothes and opened the door, there she saw Kal slightly nervous

Vaggie: [worried] How's she?

Kal: Eehh...not good, she's the doing the "CSI connect the dots" shit now

Vaggie: Why didn't you stop her?!

Kal then shows Charlie's bite mark on his arm, leg, hand and even his neck near his jugular. Vaggie winced and looked apologetically

Vaggie: ...Sorry

Kal: [shrugs] Eh it's ok, the last time that she was this nervous is when she and you had your first date together

Vaggie: [blushes] R-really?

Kal: [Thoughts] ...Oh you have no idea

Kal-El Flashback

We see Charlie nomming on Kal's arm due to being nervous on her first date with Vaggie, Kal meanwhile was calmly reading his book

We see Charlie nomming on Kal's arm due to being nervous on her first date with Vaggie, Kal meanwhile was calmly reading his book

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Kal-El flashback ends

Kal: Yup, so let's go and help her

Vaggie nodded and rushed downstairs where she saw all of the residents seeing Charlie muttering "trust falls" and shit. Of course most of them were weirded out, except Niffty of course...

Kal meanwhile prepared camomile tea if she went on a adrenaline filled "haywiring" if this goes on

Angel: Yikes...

Kal: Tell me about it...

Vaggie: Charlie?... Sweetie, ...

Charlie: C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, Charlie!...

Vaggie: You, uh. You good?

Charlie: [deranged sounding] Nope, no! Not really! Haha! I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. We've done trust falls...

Kal: [thoughts] ...which doesn't work like at all...

Charlie: We've tried sharing our feelings...

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