A Very Special Guest

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Kal and Emily is seen still sleeping on Kal's bed, both were snoring away as Emily cuddles up to him tighter with a satisfied sigh.

That is until his alarm clock blared so loud that Kal's halo shot a golden beam and destroyed the clock entirely

(A/n: Yes...he can do that)

But that was enough for them to stir up, Kal-El was the first one to sit up and rubbed his eyes to wake up. Emily meanwhile is still softly snoring beside him, Kal smiled kissed her forehead to which she unconsciously smiled

He stands up, he went for the wash room and showered. He preferred cold water instead of hot because it's the only thing that could wake him up, as he finished up and went to the bedroom. He saw Emily hair all frizzed up and groggily walking to get her panty off of the floor and threw it to the laundry shoot, she nearly tipped when Kal aided him

Kal: Hey sleepy head... heading to the shower

Emily shook her head while her eyes are still closed

Emily: [murmurs] No...I only need coffee...hm...

Kal: Nope! The last time you had coffee, you didn't sleep for 3 weeks. Come on, I'll help you clean up...

Kal carried her, bridal style, to the shower

Kal: Now, you might want to hold on...

Emily: Eeeh...what do you mea–


Emily: AAAAHHHHH!!!!!


Kal-El was now rubbing his cheek that has a visible hand print, Emily glared at him while she had a heating pouch on her head.

Kal: ...Sorry

Emily: HMMPH! That's for showering me with cold water, by the way

Kal just chuckled as he get some of their clothes from his drawer. For Him, is his hoodie, pants and a pair of shoes. For Emily, it's her panty, purple dress and a new pair of socks and slippers

Kal: So... I'll just wait for Sera to come here, huh?

Emily: Yeah...but, from what I've heard she's having some other meetings with the elder angels...I don't know

Kal shrugged and sat on his bed, Emily meanwhile is seen brushing his wings while waiting for Sera. But their bonding time was interrupted when Kal was suddenly seen floating in the air with flapping his wings

Kal: Um, Emily...Emily!!

Emily: What on earth is going on..?

Staring in disbelief, Emily tried to pull him down but a swirling golden aura surrounded him preventing that. And then, his chains were undone, he then felt a sudden tug on his hoodie. He is seen racing throughout the tower, through hallways, exits and doors

Kal: Whhaaaaat iiissss hhaaaapppeeening!!! Like I'm being "Spirited Away"!!!!!

Kinda like this:

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