Welcome to Heaven, Part 3

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Frustrated, Adam spat it out

Adam: If you have actual evidence, then show it already

Charlie: We have a patron right now who is making incredible progress

Adam: Who?

Charlie: Angel Dust

Kal: [thoughts] Honestly? Not a bad first example...

Adam: [sarcastic] Oh yeah, the porn demon. He's totally worth being redeemed [blows raspberry]

Kal: Do you have any good examples of how a sinner could be redeemed?

Adam: Wha– well uhm, weeelll....

Kal: [scoffs] Thought so

Adam: [annoyed] Oh yeah? How about you, what do you think it would take for a sinner to be redeemed?

Kal: The 7 virtues or you're still a child when you died

Angels at the podium murmured each other about the implications, surprisingly even Sera was debating it. Emily couldn't help but smile at him, finally some progress

Sera: Mr. "Crypt", can you elaborate on that?

Kal: [nods] The 7 deadly sins and virtues are the two sides of the coin, opposites, the Yin and Yang–

Adam: Boring! Can you get to it already?

Kal: [narrows eyes] Meaning, a person could change for the good or bad. There's no set on stone for them, there's no perfection...

Kal then summoned a water bottle to drink it, he sighed and continued his testimony

Kal: "For a child, it's "Nature vs Nurture". If you put a child in a dangerous and compromising environment with no guidance nor respectful authority, only bad examples, he/she would learn from them just to survive without knowing the moral concept.

But, if you put a child in a safe "environment", even if the surrounding environment around them is also dangerous, if the child has those former factors, ie; respectful and good examples. Then the results would be different

That would be all, your Highness"

The other Angels debated, some accepting and some rejecting the idea of it, but it was a good enough argument

Sera: Very well, thank you for your insight. Mr. Crypt

Kal nodded and sat back down, Charlie hugged him and worded out a "thank you" but he insisted that they're not out of the woods, yet

Charlie: Now, Adam. My "escort" here gave a good insight, how about you? What do you think it takes to get into Heaven?

Adam: Ummm, w-w-well... Uhhhh

Sera: Is everything okay, Adam?

Adam: Give me a fucking minute, okay?

Kal: [snorts] [whispers] ... That's what he says...

Adam then wrote a rough list of what it would take to go to Heaven and gave it to Vaggie, to which Vaggie reads it

Vaggie: "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man" Are you fucking serious?

Kal: That is so flipping broad of a statement that it might as well be a 7-lane superhighway...[thoughts] I'm gonna need 3 cases of Absinthe after this, fuck!

Adam: Uh, yeah, sure got me here, didn't it? Heh, right, Sera?

Sera: ...He was the first human soul in Heaven

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