A Bitter Reunion (with a hint of lemon 🍋)

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Everyone was dead silent after Kal-El revealed himself, Emily covered her mouth in disbelief whilst tearing up. Sera had a look of surprise and regret plastered on her face.

Adam and Lute meanwhile was intimidated. No wonder he wasn't intimidated by them when they first met him at the Embassy, he was a fallen Seraphim

Adam: Oh...shit...

Kal-El flapped his wings several times to show several iridescent eyes, his now visible halo crown also shows eyes. All of them are looking a Adam and Lute

Kal-El: Now you know...are we going to finish this or what?

He flicked his wrist as it emitted a golden stream of lightning on his hand. Adam and Lute backed away slowly as Kal approached them at the same pace. But Kal was stopped when an angelic chain was clamped on one of his ankles

One by one, his wrists, his other ankle, and even his abdomen was clamped by the angelic chain. Sera is seen directing them, attempting to stop the altercation

Sera: Kal! Cease it, now!

Kal didn't listen to her, he pulled one of the chains on his wrist hard enough that it broke off. Adam and Lute were now panicking, it was rare for an Angel and even more so, for an exorcist to show fear... In other words, Kal was loving their expression

Emily: Kal, Stop! Please!

Kal heard her, for a moment his train of thought stopped as he looked at her. She was confused, heart broken, and in general, a mess... He stopped what he was doing and just stood there...

Adam: [scoffs] [muttered] ...What a fucking simp...


Adam stood in scared attention

Sera: This courtroom is now dismissed, Adam, lieutenant, you are also dismissed...

Both Adam and Lute immediately flew out of the court room, as well as the rest of the angels present there

Sera looked at Kal who was now sitting on the floor trying not to look at Emily and her, she then looked at Emily who is now shaking her head in disbelief and kept on saying: "No, no, no..." She sighed

Sera: Guards!...

Several Powers Angels entered and bowed to her

Sera: ...Please escort him to his old chambers, thank you...

One of the Powers replaced his previous shackles with new ones and have him stand up using his underarm as leverage. As they left, Kal glanced at Emily until he was escorted out of the courtroom

Emily: I'll go with them...!

Sera: ...Emily

Emily: Please...


Kal is seen being escorted by Two Powers in the halls of the Seraphim Towers. Fortunately, no one was there to see him, as he didn't want to open that can of worms. His old room then opened, one of the Powers then chained his ankle to his bed.

Powers 1: My apologies, Councilor Kal-El but protocol is protocol...

Kal waved him off

Kal: It's not your fault, I no longer hold that title proudly...just call me Kal-El

Powers 2: Nonetheless, welcome back, Sir

Both of them then left his room in a somewhat brisk pace. Kal looked around his old room, trinkets, old papers, even framed pictures of him and Emily smiling  having the time of their lives together. It haunted him, he didn't regretted what he did but he regretted that he involved Emily. He hurt her without an explanation, he posed as "Crypt"  to tell her that her beloved Kal-El, her fiancé, was alive in hell

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