"Scrambled Eggs" Part 1

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As Crypt went back to Hell, he immediately went to the Hotel as Charlie had a celebration party for Pentious. He entered the Hotel, he saw Charlie and Vaggie with Razzle and Dazzle hanging up a canvas sign that says "Happy First Week, Sir Pentious"

Crypt smiled at this, expecting Pentious to at least try to change for a bit. He sat down on to couch, Keekee then jumped onto his lap and started rubbing him

Crypt: [chuckles] Hey Keekee, ya miss me?

Keekee: [Happy Purring noises]

Crypt: Miss you too, girl...

They then heard banging sounds behind them, this startled Keekee but not Crypt. Charlie was finishing up the sign

Charlie: That looks perfect! Aagh! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel~

Vaggie: Um... Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago.

Crypt: [nods] Vaggie's right, despite being here for a week now he still might pull off some dangerous shit that would plummet the Hotel's reputation even further

Both Vaggie and Charlie were surprised that Crypt was already in the Hotel

Charlie: Oh, Crypt! But come on, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here...

Crypt: You might try to knock on wood...

Charlie: Knock on wha...

They then saw Sir Pentious rolling in with an another invention of his, Vaggie was pissed off, Charlie was both surprised and disappointed while Crypt was indifferent. Keekee was seen running away from the machine and onto Crypt's lap again

Vaggie: What the hell is that?!

Pentious: Oh, hello, purple female. It's my new invention the "Skin Flayer 11,000"–

Pentious was about to finish his explanation, when Crypt took the machine by using his dendritic tentacles and chucking it out the door

Crypt: There! Out of sight, out of mind. Now, Pentious what is your purpose of being here?

Pentious: ...To be redeemed

Crypt: By doing, what exactly...?

Pentious: Not doing anything dangerous...

Crypt: Good, now... anything else to add Vaggie?

Vaggie then approached Pentious, but she was interrupted when two demons is seen approaching with a stack of crates labeled "Carmine"

Odette Carmine

Clara Carmine

Clara Carmine

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