Fire Department Chronicles shorts

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(A/n: As the title suggests, this was an from the real Fire Department Chronicles Shorts on YouTube and some scenes on FireDeptCoffee)


We see Charlie and Vaggie along with Razzle and Dazzle cleaning up some boxes that were left from the previous week of their latest trust exercises

Charlie then walked through the hallway and saw an unmarked sling bag

Charlie: Uhh, Vaggie. Do you own a bag of any sorts?

Vaggie: What? No, why?

Charlie: Uuh... because, I've found one...

Vaggie then went to Charlie and saw the bag

Vaggie: [groans] It might be Angel's, let's check it. It might contain his secret stash of drugs

Charlie then proceeds to open the bag, what they saw was both relieving and confusing at the same time. Inside was a single USB stick with a circular device that has the size of Walkman CD player

Charlie instantly recognizes it

Charlie: This might be Crypt's bag! This thing here is holo-projector

Vaggie: Really? How did you know?

Charlie: He showed me something the same as this, but a lot bigger. He said that it was some kind of project of his... I didn't expect to be this fast of a progress

Vaggie: How long ago was this project of his? [She looked through it]

Charlie: 3 to 5-ish years ago, but come on! Let's watch it, here's the USB. He might've left something useful for the Hotel

Vaggie: I don't know, Sweetie. He's an Overlord, it might contain secrets from his territory that we weren't suppose to see

??: Well, that makes it a lot more intriguing!

Charlie and Vaggie then looked behind them and seeing Alastor grinning ear to ear, Vaggie groaned

Vaggie: Of course the Hijo de Puta is here...

Alastor: Oh calm down, dear. I'm just as curious as you are. In fact, I'm not the only one who is curious

Vaggie: What do you mean by that...

Vaggie then saw Husk, Niffty, Pentious and Angel sitting on the sofa. Angel in particular was eating popcorn and Husk as always, drinking his booze

Angel: Come on, toots! It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience seeing Tall, dark and handsome's sex tapes~

Vaggie: They're not sex tapes, I think... But fine, I guess watching one wouldn't hurt

Vaggie then handed Charlie the holo-projector, she then inserted the USB. After sometime, the projector opened up and shows several video files that says "Fire Department Chronicles"

Charlie: Fire Department? Crypt have a fire department on his territory?

Alastor: Oh yes, the last time I visited his territory his fire department has plenty of people who worked there

Husk: Huh, I guess you know something new about a guy every day

Alastor: Indeed you do, Husker!

Husk: [growls]

Charlie then clicked the first video titled: "EpiPen Dilemma"

They see a sinner dressed up as a paramedic

Vaggie: Huh, he looked like a paramedic...

Para-demon 1: Fire rescue! Someone called for an EpiPen problem?

Imp: Oh, hey guys! Uh, my son got a new EpiPen for his allergies and I uh, want him to show how to use it

Imp kid: I blow up like a balloon when I eat Hellnuts

Charlie: Huh, that's actually pretty rare for an Imp

Para-demon 1: Okay! Sure, just let me–

Then another paramedic demon took the EpiPen

Para-demon 2: Oh, let me do it man! Hey kid, it's really simple; You just pop off the blue cap, face the orange part...

Para-demon 1: Dude that is not–

Para-demon 2: And jam it into your thi–


Nearly everyone winced at the sound, except for Alastor and Niffty who were both chuckling

Para-demon 2: [High pitched regret]

Para-demon 1: –a trainer

Para-demon: [More high pitched regret] Now it' hold it...for...10...seconds

Imp kid: He looks like me when I eat Hellnuts

Para-demon 2: Excuse me...

He then walked out of the room and stood just the other side

Para-demon 2: [Adrenaline filled scream]

Para-demon 1: [to the kid] [happily] Who wants to see a fire truck?

Charlie: [shuddered] I think its for the best

The video then ended there, nearly everyone was now regretting saw the video

Vaggie: Okay, let's just pack this up–

Alastor then took the projector and clicked another video that is titled: "Cooking depravity"

Vaggie: Alastor!

The video started and the viewers saw the whole fire department having lunch

Pentious: Huh, this is surprisingly peaceful

Husk: Don't jinx it...

Fire demon( or F-demon)

F-demon 1: So, what do you guys want for dinner?

F-demon 2: I don't care, just have the rookie cook something

All F-demon: NO!

F-demon 3: I am not going through that again!

Angel: Was it really that bad?

1 year ago...

F-demon 1: Wow, this was good meatballs~

Rookie F-demon: Thanks, it's all about the secret ingredient

F-demon 2: Really? What's the recipe?

Rookie F-demon: Ground beef, pork and medium rare chicken

The viewers were also disgusted after hearing that, Alastor included, who is now having a twitch at the corner of his mouth



F-demon 2: BOTH ENDS!!

F-demon 4: The walls are still stained from rhe Vomarhea massacre

The scene then switch to a lone poor F-demon who was still scrubbing the stains

F-demon 4: [Hurls]

The same sentiment was given from the Hotel members, Charlie was the first one to ran to a nearest bathroom followed by Pentious, Husk and Angel. Vaggie meanwhile was holding it in, barely. Alastor disappeared away, Niffty meanwhile screamed in agony

Then Crypt entered the Hotel, seemingly looking for something

Crypt: Hey guys, have you seen?–


Crypt: Ah, you've seen the compilation...and you've managed to survive the first two


Crypt: [chuckles]


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