Side Chapter: Friendship meeting: "Comebacks"

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We see the gang gathered up in the living area near the fireplace while Charlie and Vaggie were handing out papers of schedules and activities for the day

Charlie: Now! Thank you for coming everyone. Today we will be discussing a new activity called "Comebacks"

Alastor: Ah yes, a story of the underdog becoming more than a simple character in the background, quite charming [sips black coffee]

Husk: This is stupid...

Angel Dust: Yeah toots, plus, I have a filming to get to!

Charlie: Oh come on guys! At least give the effort of writing a story

Vaggie: Yeah, everyone likes a good comeback story like; Seabiscuit, the Mighty Ducks...

Charlie: Robert Downey Jr...who else...

Vaggie: ... Rocky...

Charlie: Yes, yes...

Crypt then chimes in

Crypt: Kim Kardashian...

Charlie: Uhm, well...

Crypt: Well, in the video she got c*m on her back...

Then the dominoes started falling; Charlie blushed, Vaggie got an angry tick, Angel and Husk were wheezed laughing, Alastor spits his coffee while letting radio static and Niffty was clueless

Crypt: [thoughts] Just as planned...

Vaggie: Run...

Crypt: [innocently] Why...?

Vaggie: Run...or I'll shove this. TO YOUR FUCKING ASS, YOU DEGENERATE!!

Crypt is seen running while laughing away from Vaggie who was chasing him with her spear, all over pentagram city

A/n: There...sorry for the delay guys, a lot of school work and a midterm exam. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my amazon acc so I'll have to make another one

See ya later

P.S this was during the Pilot so that's why there's no Sir Pentious...

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