Short Origin Story and A Holy Visit

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A day after the previous chapter

Charlie: So...what is your real name anyway?

Charlie asked curiously, everyone in the Hotel's bar were also curious much more so with Alastor. After revealing his secret, he was being pestered with questions by Charlie but "Crypt" only told her to wait and he'll told her when they're downstairs

Now that they're downstairs, Charlie asked about a thousand questions in just under a minute. Vaggie had to calm her down but "Crypt" just chuckled and let her ask her questions

Crypt: My real name is, Kal-El

Vaggie furrowed her eyebrow

Vaggie: Does it include an "El" or just an "L"?

Crypt: ...Yes

Vaggie narrowed not liking the joke

Crypt: No, seriously. My mom never specified if it comes with an "El" or just an "L"

Vaggie: [shrugs] Ok...but you do realize that "Kal-El" has...

Crypt: ...Two meanings or references?

She was surprised that he knew this, "Crypt" just chuckled at her reaction

Crypt: Oh the look on your face, [chuckles] now tell me, what's the two references of my name?

Before Vaggie could answer, Alastor quickly quipped up

Alastor: "Kal-El" is a hebrew name that translates to the "voice of god" but it also references the name of an old comic superhero named "Superman". Am I right on that answer?

Everyone, except Crypt, was surprised at his answer

Angel: Wow, I didn't expect "strawberry pimp" over here to be a comic nerd of all things

Alastor: [scoffs] I'll have you know, the comic "Superman" was popular after my death. More so that it made to Pentagram by 1939, I really couldn't avoid the newspapers referencing that comic decades after it published

Crypt: [laughs] Yeah, Alastor got it. My Dad was apparently a geek even before both him and my Mom even met. My Mom on the other hand was religious woman so it's no surprise that the name referenced their hobby and belief

Charlie: Aww~ Even with differences your parents still managed to love each other [sniffs]

Vaggie: What happened to them anyway?

Crypt's changed from happy to mournful. Charlie saw this and was preparing for the worse

Crypt: My Dad died during his last tour over Vietnam, Mom was 5 months pregnant when she heard the news. She told me that she cried for a week straight, nearly starving herself because she couldn't believe that he died that soon...worse still, he died just on Christmas day...

Husk was the first to put a hand on his shoulder making him at least assured

Husk: I'm so sorry about your lost, kid. Your Dad's must've been a great man to have you as his kid

Crypt smiled at Husk

Crypt: Thanks, Husk

Then both of them heard a loud sniffing sound, they saw Charlie already going through a ply of tissues that are being stacked up

Crypt: can go rest if you couldn't handle it...

Charlie: [sniff] No...[sniff] I-it's okay, I-I can. I...can...[Cries]

Crypt: Okay...Vaggie can you put her to her room? She couldn't handle the story that much

Vaggie nods and carried Charlie to her room, still hearing her cries while being carried bridal style. Crypt stood up, stretched and fixes himself while others left, well almost everyone. Alastor just reads his newspaper and cup of black coffee

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