The Show Must Go On

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We see all the different TVs looking at the residents and cannibals at the hotel preparing for the oncoming fight

Then the camera pans to Vox who was drinking his coffee with an amused expression

Vox: No fucking way! They're gonna fight? Oh my god, Hahahaha! Oh looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well. [chuckles] Oh Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED!

The camera then pans out while Vox is laughing sinisterly but unknown to him. One of his cameras was hacked and someone was looking right through it

..It was Kal, he had an almost expressionless face

Kal: ...-_-... Really Vox? The TV Overlord everybody...

Back at the Hotel, Charlie is overseeing the cannibals while arming them with angelic weapons. Meanwhile above her, Kal's so-called "Angelic Wraiths" were practicing both swooping and fast dive attacks

One of the test dummies was even decapitated cleanly in the process by how fast they were swooping down like a falcon

Charlie: [sighs] Oh, I wish my mom was here to see this

Vaggie: The cannibals seem ready to fight and Kal's Wraith squad are attacking that dummy with deathly precision. Are we?

Then the door slammed open revealing Pentious wearing a Napoleonic uniform

Then the door slammed open revealing Pentious wearing a Napoleonic uniform

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Pentious: Fear not, damels. I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!

Vaggie: What in the hell are you supposed to be?

Pentious: General Pentious, rpeorting for duty. I'll turn these rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all

Charlie: Thank you, Pen

Niffty: What can I do to help?

Pentious: I'm glad you asked, soldier. The base needs fortifications, reinforce the southern wall, create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault

Niffty just blankly looks at him, then one of the Wraiths who heard all of it landed beside them

Wraith 1: No offense, Pentious but this isn't 14th century warfare. They're gonna attack from above not on the ground...

Charlie: How about this? If you see an angel, stab it

Charlie then hands Niffty an angelic dagger, she giggled murderously then she saw Angel Dust

Niffty: Stab! Stab! Stab!

Angel: Hey, hey, hey, hey

Charlie: Not him!

Angel then expertly got off from pole

Vaggie: Listen up, Sinners! We got 24 Hours before the extermination begins, let's get to work

Hazbin Hotel (X Internet Overlord)(18+)📈📉😈Where stories live. Discover now