"Who broke it?"

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We now see everyone doing their own thing in the lobby;

Husk was drinking

Niffty was cleaning and chasing bugs throughout the hotel

Alastor left a while ago due to having some "business" at his territory

Charlie was making happy posters for the Hotel's advertisement

Angel was texting and checking his Voxtogram and newly installed Crypto-View accounts

Vaggie was helping Charlie along with Razzle and Dazzle

Pentious was looking through a magazine called "Carmine monthly" that shows a variety of Carmilla Carmine-produced  weapons, weapon parts

It was quiet until Angel heard the annoying sound of tapping of wood, he looked everywhere on where's the sound was coming from but he couldn't find it. He then looked at the kitchen and he saw Crypt tapping one of his fingers on the wooden table

Angel: Crypt, dude, stop it. It's fucking annoying as hell...

Crypt seemingly wasn't paying attention, so Angel approached him

Angel: Hey! Hell to Crypt, ya ignorin' me or something? I said stop with the "tappity-tap-tap" its annoying

Charlie and the others heard the commotion at the kitchen, Charlie entered and looked concerned but she saw the Hotel's coffee maker in front of Crypt

She grew curious and asked him

Charlie: Hey Crypt, what's going on? And why are you looking at the coffee maker?

Crypt stopped his tapping

Crypt: ...This

He then pushed a button at first it whines but suddenly it sputters and then it stops. It was blinking red....oh

Crypt: ...So, who broke it? I'm not mad I just wanna know...

Everyone didn't said a word, as of now, Crypt emanating a fatherly "I'm not mad, just disappointed" aura around the room and everyone could feel it

Suddenly Charlie chimes in

Charlie: Me! It's me, I did–

Crypt: No, no you didn't... Pentious...?

Pentious: Don't look at me, look at Angel...

Angel: [incredulous] What? I didn't break it!

Pentious: Huh? That's weird, how did you even know that it's broken?

Angel: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken

Pentious: Sssuspicious...

Angel: No, it's not–

Husk: If-if it matters, probably not. But, Niffty was the last who used it–

Niffty: Liar! I didn't even drink that stuff!

Husk: Oh really? Then, what were you doing coffee machine earlier?

Niffty: I was using the wooden stirrers to kill the smaller bugs, everyone knows that Husk!

Charlie tried to de-escalate the situation

Charlie: Ok, ok it's fine. I broke it let me pay for it, Crypt–

Crypt: No! Who broke it?

Crypt's mask was now glowing red, everyone shut up for awhile, Angel said something...

Angel: [whispers] Crypt... Vaggie's been awfully quiet–

Unfortunately Vaggie heard it

Vaggie: Really?!...

Angel: Yeah! What do ya wanna!–

Husk: You and your bugs–!

Niffty: Better work on your rehab pussy–!

Nearly everyone was now screaming and yelling at each other over a broken coffee machine, Charlie as always was trying to de-escalate...


Crypt looking at the readers

Crypt: I broke it...[sigh] I lost a double A battery for the Hotel's TV remote and with that anger I punched the Coffee maker

Crypt is listening at the fight that was happening inside the Hotel

Crypt: I predict 10 minutes from now, they'll be wearing war paint while waving an impaled pig's head on a pole, speaking of which

He picked up Fat Nuggets and Keekee

Crypt: I don't want them to be on their warpath, now don't I?

See you guys on the next chapter, say bye Fat Nuggets and Keekee

🐷: Oink~!

🐱: Meow~!

Inspiration for this chapter

Hazbin Hotel (X Internet Overlord)(18+)📈📉😈Where stories live. Discover now