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Being famous is nothing but weird for someone like Matthew. He doesn't understand the impact that he has, but what he does understand is he has power—and to him, it feels great to have that assurance in his life. He is one of the elite actors in the world, and he takes pride in that. He may come off as a narcissist to someone's eyes, but he doesn't care.

For someone like Carl, on the other hand, he is nothing but grateful for all the fame he has worked hard. Singing, performing, and writing songs are the realest dream he ever has in his life. It's all he wanted to do since he's a kid, and now it has come true. He's going to make the most of it, and he's going to work even harder to be at the top.

When the two of them goes for an unexpected collaboration, both men are in for a crazy, unexpected adventure of their lives. 

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