Chapter 4: Welcome to New York

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"Tell me again why we are travelling at night,"

"Don't be absurd. You know why, Matt,"

Matthew pouted in annoyance and with a roll of his eyes as he walked on the grounds of the LAX airport. Careful not to make a scene and attract an audience, he wore a silly disguise of a gray hoodie and a cap, with the hood covering the most of his face.

He understood why they had to travel, and he was getting sick of the same old reason Tyler kept on telling him; if he were to make a scene in public, people would flock over for him, screaming for autographs and pictures. It wasn't a bad thing to interact with fans, but Tyler has kept picturing the worst case scenario.

"This is so boring. I can't meet my fans," Matthew whined, like a kid who didn't get the toy he wanted.

"Dude," Prince interjected with a shush, glancing at Matthew before shaking his head as they walked towards the counter to check in their luggage. "Act like your age. And besides, you've already met your fans back at the hotel."

"Hi there, good evening. Checking in?" a woman behind the carter greeted them enthusiastically; a big grin was plastered on her beautiful face and her aura was as joyous as a kid in a carnival station.

Prince nodded, his lips forming into a small smile as well as he greeted the woman—not as enthusiastic as the flight attendant was, though.

"Hi, good evening. Yes, please," he said, handing her their passports for verification.

Matthew looked around as he let Prince do his work. He put his hands on the pockets of his hoodie as he carefully stared at his surroundings.

There were still a lot of people in the airport—waiting at the benches for their flight, checking in on counters, and going in and out of the airport. It wasn't as crowded as Matthew expected, but once people knew about him being here, it would certainly attract attention.

He watched as people hug their loved ones; they were either saying their goodbyes or they were reuniting for a long time. He didn't have that kind of relationship with anyone except with his friends, but they weren't here to bid their goodbyes. It must feel great to have someone like that.

For Matthew, it was Tyler who did that for him—when he wasn't busy running around. It wasn't as if he cared about having someone like that—he just had too many things to take care of sometimes. Not to mention, his life wasn't exactly normal; he was a popular celebrity that held a big name for reputation.

There were far too many things to uphold than care about having someone hug him goodbye in an airport. And besides, he was used to it. It was more convenient that way—no extra feelings of baggage to think about.

"Matt, let's go," Prince nudged him with his elbow, snapping Matthew out of his thoughts then he handed out everyone's boarding pass and passports. "Here."

"Thanks," Matthew muttered quietly as he gripped his own passport, careful not to let it slip away from his hand.

The rest of his team fumbled as they got their hands on their passports—seeing as they have had their hands full with the necessities for Matthew's benefits. They have played a big role in Matthew's career and would continue doing so. It was thanks to them that his career was able to flourish and stable—without them, he would have a hard time sorting it out.

Once they were ready and raring to go, they went on their merry way inside to wait by their designated gates, in silence and hopefully, without alerting his fanbase and attracting too many people.

An hour later, Matthew sighed happily and leaned back comfortably on his booth seat in first class. This was one of the few perks he loved getting—being able to afford business class flights. He loved being privileged knowing he earned it and worked hard for it.

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