Chapter 17: Just How You Like It

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"What happens in a screening, by the way?" Carl asked, his face on a questioning frown as he stared at Matthew, who sat across of him on the bed with a reassuring smile plastered on his handsome face.

"Well," Matthew started to say, his eyes wrinkling as he thought of how to explain it to the young musician in the easiest way possible.

"I'm assuming it's either Cole or Jermaine that will read the lines or reenact scenes with us in an individual standpoint. You're going to read your lines as you, and Cole or Jermaine will read my or others' lines. It will depend on the scenario they're going to ask of you,"

The actor finished saying with a shrug and smiled at Carl, who nodded his head and had his mouth slightly open in understanding. "I'm just really nervous. W-what if I fuck it up?" Carl sighed out in exasperation and shrugged in nervous wonder, a million worries and questions in his mind that suddenly came up, and he was unsure of himself.

Matthew reached a hand out to caress the young musician's snowflake and delicate skin on his face, and reassured him in the best way he knew. He leaned over to give him a smooch and said softly, "You'll do great, baby. Don't worry."

"I don't think I'll get a wink of sleep tonight," Carl whispered, closing his eyes tightly as he relaxed immediately when the actor kissed him. Matthew has that impact on him, and the musician was glad it was working.

That last statement Carl said was a whole lie, because when the following day came up with the sun rising from the east—the sunlight was beaming through the tapestry of the bedroom as the morning routine of the most famous city in America started, the young musician was still sound asleep with Matthew's head on top of his chest and their arms wrapped around each other's bodies.

An alarm blared through the room as loud as it could be, and Matthew was the first to wake up—fluttering his eyes open while he groaned in annoyance at the disturbance to his slumber. He sat up slowly on the bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes with one hand and reaching over the nightstand to get and stop the ringing phone.

He turned to his right side, his lips curving into a gentle smile as he stared at the musician's sleeping figure. The obvious emotions danced upon his face, creating a poignant scene that would tug at the heartstrings of anyone who happened to catch a glimpse.

Matthew decided to let the young musician continue to sleep, where Carl seemed to be at his peaceful and calm self, because it might be the wrong idea to wake him up this early. It was the day of their screening, and for the past few weeks, they had devoted their time to practice and read lines with each other.

He leaned over to kiss Carl's temple, before deciding to stand up and get ready for the busy day they were about to have.

After the slightly successful, shameful, and embarrassing dinner party with Cole and the others, Carl has been nothing but worried about what could become the outcome of this movie. It was the first time someone made him feel small, and it hurt him in more ways than one. That put a strain in his thoughts—wondering all sorts of what ifs and other questions in his head.

Should he have just turned down this movie offer instead? Would that have been the better move? And if so, how would his relationship with Matthew turn out to be? Could it still blossom into something real, like how it was today?

If his relationship with Matthew could turn out to be a success, would he be able to handle the outstanding difference in fame and status?

Going forward and moving on, he had so many things to think about—his secret relationship with Matthew, the public's opinion if and when they find out their relationship, and most importantly, his music and his career. It made him feel uneasy, no matter how many reassurances he got from Matthew.

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