Chapter 2: Shades On

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"Meet me back here in two hours!" Prince yelled over the sound of loud music, his two fingers up in the air as he stared at Matthew's retreating figure—who waved him off, trying to find his way to the bar. "I mean it, Matt!"

"I know! I heard you the first time!" Matthew shouted in reply with his hands on a thumbs up sign without turning back to face his assistant manager.

It was the afterparty; every celebrity in the room were having fun by getting shit-faced drunk or dancing around like wild animal on a loose. Sometimes, people assumed celebrities didn't know how to have fun, but what they didn't know was, that celebrities have had lives outside of their celebrity status.

Matthew have had his fair share of being exposed in public, and he couldn't do anything help himself but accept the fact that he wasn't going to live a normal life without being criticized into oblivion.

He had it easy because he has his team to rely on when things don't go as planned. He couldn't say the same thing for others; especially women, since they have had life complications harder, celebrity or not.

"Hey," a voice interrupted his own thoughts and snapped him back to reality.

Matthew blinked twice and turned to find Cole standing right beside him. He wasn't dressed differently; he looked more casual than he was earlier with his long, black under dress polo shirt folded almost halfway to his elbows. His jacket was nowhere to be found, but he knew how to look good.

"Hey, thought you weren't coming?" Matthew greeted his friend with a smile.

"My husband's not coming until the day after tomorrow, so," Cole said with a laugh, sitting down on one of the stools beside his friend. "I might as well have fun tonight."

"Trouble in paradise?"

Cole didn't say anything for a few seconds as he stared at Matthew, confusion visible on his face, before he burst into a fit of laughter. "You really are a virgin in relationships. How the hell did you survive Kelsea Choi?"

"That wasn't my relationship. It was my team's," Matthew said with a chuckle, and he took a swig of his beer with a big gulp and a nonchalant shrug to Cole.

After that small conversation, a few more familiar faces and friends came around to talk and have fun. The music was loud, as Rude Boy by Rihanna, started to play, and everyone started cheering as they danced. Lights of different colors started flashing, and it was starting to feel like a real party.

People were enjoying every minute of the night, and soon enough, Matthew was one of them. He let himself let go—be free of worries for one night, or two hours according to his assistant manager. Either way, it was going to work.

It has been a while since he had let loose of himself. Maybe it was a good idea to come to the show, instead of missing it like he was supposed to do. Not to mention, he even got to save a new music artist from the humiliation of falling down face-first on national television and for the whole world to see.

If he was lucky, maybe Carl was even in the afterparty.

Sometime later, Matthew found himself pushing away from the sweaty bodies across the room as he suddenly had the urge to be sick. A minute ago, he was having the time of his life; dancing around with a bottle of vodka in his hand while he was screaming along to the lyrics of the music playing loudly.

A few minutes later, this had to have happened. He didn't have time to be polite and say his excuses, so he shoved past everyone in his way. People complained in shouts of protests, but he didn't care. All he cared about was how to get to the bathroom to puke his guts.

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