Chapter 14: Paper Hearts

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"Home, at last," Matthew said, breathing in the fumes of the polluted air in New York as he stepped out of the vehicle in front of the hotel, where his penthouse resided.

He missed it here—the bright city lights, the subway train noises, and the busy streets that made New York. Compared to France's urban life, there were some similarities, but French people weren't the most accommodating and friendly. And besides, there was nothing in Paris that he hadn't seen before—but here, in New York, there was someone waiting for him.

Some hoteliers rushed and helped them with the things they were carrying, with both Matthew and Prince saying their gratitude as they got inside the hotel. With how they got swamped by a few paparazzi and media outlets, asking how was the Paris Fashion Week and the actor's thoughts, they couldn't wait long enough to take a break from it.

"You go ahead, I'll have to talk to Mikey about the pictures he was going to post on your socials," Prince told Matthew as the elevator stopped by at the floor under his penthouse, where the rest of his team was staying.

"Carl? Where—oh you can drop those on the couch, thank you," Matthew said with a smile as soon as he went inside his house, and as fast as the hoteliers went inside, they were gone in an instant too after putting the luggage on the living room.

He looked around as he frowned, not finding a single trace of the musician in the house. It was dusk time, and the sun was just about to set as it set out of what soon-to-be darkness in the skies.

"Baby?" he called out, head tilting side to side as he tried to look for a tall, young male in the living room. When he still came up empty-handed, he decided to go to their bedroom, knocking softly before he opened it with a creaking sound.

There, he found nothing but a messy bed. But there were sounds coming from the bathroom, and as Matthew walked nearer, it became evident that it was Carl's beautiful voice, singing an unfamiliar song to the actor's ears.

"If my heart was paper, I'd fold it," Carl was singing these lyrics, and there was a question off the top of Matthew's head that he wanted to ask. "Throw it to the wind and just hope it, ends up with you."

Was that the song Carl wanted him to hear? If so, it sounded beautiful—Matthew loved the lyrics, and he loved how Carl's voice sounded so great in a ballad song.

Before Matthew knew it, a big smile was making its way on his face, his eyes wrinkling in so much joy hearing Carl sing from the other side of the door. Words weren't enough to describe how much he missed the musician—his handsome face, his charming smile, and his lovely kisses.

Oh, he missed kissing him—everything about him, if he was being honest. They have only been separated for a week, yet to Matthew, it felt longer than that. Did that sound crazy? Or, did that only mean he liked Carl a little too much?

Maybe, he did.

Was it alarming? Matthew didn't feel like it was, and it shouldn't.

"...Missing you baby is the only thing I—oh," Carl stopped singing the moment he came face to face with Matthew as he opened the door, his mouth in an o shape and a look of surprise etched on his handsome face. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist—his hair and his toned body were wet as droplets of water came running down his skin.

"Hi, baby," were the words Matthew could only utter before he was engulfed by long and muscular arms in a tight hug. He only laughed in response as he, too, wrapped his arms around Carl, feeling the musician's wetness get seeped into his shirt, though he didn't mind at all.

"I've missed you," Carl mumbled against the crook of Matthew's neck as he tightened his hold on the actor.

The grin Matthew wore never left his face as he pulled his head away from Carl, only to stare and enjoy at how quick the musician's reaction to him—from his pouting face to arguably a bigger smile than himself he could muster.

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