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"And, the MTV Best Kiss goes to..." Leo Ellison read off the envelope with a smile, glancing at the audience, who awaited the suspense in silence. He raised an eyebrow before he continued, "Congratulations to Superstar! Matthew Clifford and Carl Wyatt!"

The distinct sound of applause and cheers of celebration when the winner was announced could be heard across the whole venue. There were even several shouts of excitement, screaming at the top of their lungs as the audience got even wilder by the second when Matthew stood up from his seat and made his way towards the stage.

There was a grin painting his face as he hugged his friend on the stage and accepted the award in his hands. He stood up on the stage and looked around the room full of celebrities and fans, waiting for his small speech as they settled down in their seats. But he couldn't seem to know where to start, his mind still boggled at the fact he and Carl won over many more deserving artists in the respective category.

"Um, wow, thank you to all the fans who made this happen. I've seen how dedicated you are to make sure that Carl and I will win this," the actor started to say, glancing between the award in his hands and the audience as a small chuckle left his lips. "Carl would have been delighted to accept this award with me, but I'm sorry he couldn't make it. He's on a world tour right now and—"

The sudden screams of excitement from the crown interrupted Matthew, and the actor got confused at the sudden intrusion because they were chanting something that wasn't quite clear to his ears. And when he finally heard it loud and clear, he heard Leo clapping and cheering from behind him—which made him turn around to see what the commotion was all about.

"Oh my God," he muttered to himself, seeing Carl walk at the same stage he was standing on and looking flawlessly handsome. He was waving at the audience, a big grin on his handsome face, and when he stopped in front of Matthew, it felt as though they were the only people in the room.

He felt the fluttering of butterflies in his stomach, and it was as though he never got to move on from the honeymoon phase with Carl. Seeing him here and now, making time for such event instead of being in his world tour, spoke thousands of words needlessly to be said. This was the kind of surprise that he has looked forward to, and it was happening right this moment. Carl couldn't have picked the best timing to do it, or was it just pure coincidence?

"Kiss!" the audience screamed out loud, and they chanted it repeatedly while the couple just stood on the stage, smiling and staring at each other lovingly. The chants only grew louder every second that passed by, and this was the only time the pressure was getting to them for a show of public display of affection in an awards' show at that.

Carl was the first to give in from the chants; he walked closer to stand directly in front of Matthew and leaned in to give him a kiss on the forehead—in which resulted to the fans booing them, and the celebrities laughed at the reaction given to the couple.

The musician wrapped an arm around Matthew and stepped forward a little bit to get closer to the microphone, saying with a laugh, "I'm sorry, but we're going to keep it PG, you guys. Or else, I might not be able to control myself."

"Kiss!" the audience continued to chant, ignoring the musician's statement as they kept chanting for them to kiss. The whole arena seemed to be against them, and it was as if they have no choice but to oblige to the fans' wishes tonight.

"Well, Matty? What do you say?"

Matthew didn't hesitate for a moment when he grabbed Carl by his clothes to pull him closer for a short and sensual kiss. He felt his boyfriend smile against the kiss, and he whispered sweet nothings away from the everyone's prying ears that made the musician's smile turned wider. It lasted for at least five seconds, and the crowd's shouts were enough to destroy someone's ears. He was glad that the public has been lenient and tolerating such actions in media for the whole world to see, and although some of them were still unaccepting towards the rainbow community, it wasn't enough to tear their relationship. After all, it has to start with someone, and what better way they could use their platforms in advocating gay rights.

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