Chapter 13: Can We Dance

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There was something incredibly exciting about genuinely liking someone. Matthew has had only a few people, barely countable in one hand, that he has shown interest in dating. It might be the very first time that he wanted to date Carl—a man, who he had the first impression that the musician was straight.

Matthew has never had the problems of experiencing an identity crisis. He was straight and has always shown interest in women, but he never thought, that in his lifetime, would he ever show an interest in dating a man. Not that it was a problem to him, it just didn't occur to him that having feelings for a man would be as easy as having feelings for a woman.

Carl was special. He was a breath of relief—he made it so easy to like him. Whenever the musician was working on his music, he made it uncomplicated for the actor to understand the concept of songwriting—which has always kept Matthew interested in what he did.

Maybe he just didn't have the time to explore his sexuality. He could be gay. He could be bisexual. Or, maybe it was just Carl—maybe he was just Carl-sexual.

Snickering to himself, Matthew shook his head as he bit his lip, lost in his own thought that Carl stared up at him in question from where he lied down on the actor's lap, eyebrows furrowed deep in his handsome face.

"Something funny?" he asked.

"Just thinking of you, baby," Matthew said in a teasing tone, a small smirk on his face. And just as he knew it, Carl blushed as he rolled his eyes and said to him, "Yeah, right."

They were in their bedroom—having done enough of line reading. It was almost nearing the three-month mark since Carl moved in, and at this time, Matthew has taught the musician everything he needed to know in acting. The only left thing to do was to memorize his lines, and he was ready.

For the most part, Matthew has been enjoying every time he spent with Carl—from reading lines and reenacting scenes to recording songs and learning about songwriting with him. He was a ball of sunshine that he loved hanging with, and Carl might not know it, but he was making such an impact to him, such as being more generous to fans.

Sometime they were hanging out together, there had been a few times where they got ambushed by fans—demanding photos and autographs from them, and Matthew was about to dismiss them, but Carl had a different idea and approach. It had been a typical bad day for the actor, as Tyler had scolded him earlier that day from letting himself and Carl get caught in a dating rumor from a random tabloid because they were seen together, looking cozy with each other.

God forbid that he couldn't hang out with a friend without sparking a dating rumor. There were several pictures of "proof" that they were wrapped up in a romantic relationship, though it was just them enjoying each other's company, like normal friends would. But in reality, they were dating—the world just didn't need to know, for now.

Although, their fans have come up with some crazy theories he found in Twitter, that they were in fact dating. There wasn't enough proof that they knew about it, and even if there was, they could just deny it if they weren't ready to come out with their relationship.

"I've never asked you before," Carl started to say, and it snapped Matthew out of his trance. "Are you—um, have you always known you—fuck, how do I say this?"

"Are you asking if I'm gay?" Matthew said with a small smile, his eyebrows raised in amusement as he stared at Carl. "It's okay to ask. You don't have to hold back on me, Carl."

"Sorry, I just wanted to ask without offending you," the musician said, his bottom lips pursed in a tight smile—while Matthew chuckled and leaned down to place a chaste kiss on his lips, before he said, "It's not an offensive question, baby."

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