Chapter 9: Right Now

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The drive to the recording studio wasn't far, but with New York traffic, even celebrities couldn't catch a break from it. What was once a 30-minute drive, turned to be an hour when they finally reached their destination in 7th Avenue; a building in the heart of Times Square.

When they stepped out of the vehicle, they heard a loud snap and a flash of a camera from a random paparazzi, and almost immediately, security stepped in to the rescue—actively surrounding the both of them to avoid press interaction and so they could get inside the recording studio safely.

Once they were safe and sound inside the building, both Matthew and Carl let out big sighs of relief, but a mere few seconds later, they were already smiling and chuckling with each other.

"Do you really go through that everyday?" Carl asked as they continued to walk towards the elevator.

Matthew hummed before he replied with a soft chuckle, "You ask as if you don't go through that."

"Well, I'm not as big of a celebrity like you," the musician said with a smirk and a pointed look directed at his co-star.

"You'll get there, if that's what you really want," was Matthew's only response from Carl's statement while he shook his head, laughing softly as they entered the elevator. This time around, he was glad there were no pitstops, no one to shove them around, and no arm wrapped around his waist.

While they stayed silent throughout the entire elevator ride, the faint tunes of elevator music could be heard, saving them from being completely silent until Matthew had to say something.

"You have to actually press which floor we're supposed to go," he said, his eyebrows raised as he stared and smiled at Carl in amusement—who just hung and shook his head in embarrassment, muttering as he pressed the number while his cheeks reddened, "I'm so sorry."

Laughing silently to himself, Matthew smiled as he glanced at Carl from the corner of his eyes. For someone so different to him, their personalities managed to click somehow. The last two weeks have been tense, in regards to reading lines, anyway—everything else seemed to click with the two of them.

When they sleep together, Carl has found himself comfortable enough to sleep beside Matthew without a t-shirt. The first night, Matthew had offered to sleep on the floor since there was an extra mattress reserved in the room, but Carl had declined and had said that he shouldn't have to because it was his room.

The first complete week Carl had moved in with him, Matthew somehow had found himself waking up, encased in the musician's embrace in one of the nights they spent together—not that it was a problem for him, but Carl had taken his embarrassment to heart that for two days straight he didn't look him straight in the eyes.

Matthew didn't mind, at all—after all, who didn't like cuddles? He liked Carl as a person and co-actor, and he would like to call him a friend, even when they have only spent a few weeks together. Apart from his constant teasing assistant manager, Carl was a different kind of air—a good kind, since Prince hasn't gotten over about how he has a crush on the musician.

Which, in Matthew's perspective, was not true. There was a thing called, platonic relationship, and he has had it with many of his co-actors from his previous movies. He didn't have any idea how Prince came to a conclusion that he has a crush on Carl.

A loud ding and a tap on the shoulder snapped Matthew out of his thoughts.

"Come on," Carl said from beside him, and Matthew glanced at him and saw he had a small smile on his face—which he returned with a nod as they walked out of the elevator.

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