Chapter 19: Treading Water

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The buzz of what happened in Sharon TV has been all over the news and the internet, and several tabloids have made sure to milk the news to whatever extent they wanted to. It was all what everyone talked about for the past few days. How could it not?

The nature of a revelation was the concept of being a sidekick and stealing the whole show because he was better than the main character. Everyone in the world, who was watching it live or from the internet, was shocked, upset, and happy at the news. Some people might not have believed what was going, but some were supportive about it.

Aside from the fact that Matthew revealed he was working on a project, it got overshadowed by the news he revealed. He gave them something to talk about, and even more so, at the expense of his career. But if he knew something, it was that he didn't regret it—not even at all.

He could still remember how the conversation with Sharon happened, like the back of his hand.

"Yes, we're dating," he had admitted with a smile plastered on his face as he told Sharon, who was surprised, holding a hand on her mouth when she heard those words come out of Matthew's lips.

The audience had been awfully quiet. But to Matthew, it didn't matter whether they had liked it or not. At that moment, it only mattered what he was feeling and had to say because it had been a once in a lifetime opportunity. He had never bragged about his previous relationships—this was the only instance, for those times had been fake or unreal.

"It's been fun, actually. I mean, this is kind of new to me, but I'm really happy the way things are in terms of our relationship," he had continued to say, now feeling comfortable speaking about the truth, unlike when he had to hide it.

"That—that's really wonderful for you, Matt. I'm glad you're happy, because that's what's important," she had said, her lips curving into a smile as she stared at Matthew and listened to him. "But I—I have to ask. You've only had girlfriends, right?"

"Are you asking if I'm still straight? It's fine. You can ask that directly," Matthew had started to say with a chuckle. He had liked that Sharon was careful with how she wanted to ask the questions, but he had no problem or whatsoever whenever people would try and ask him if he was gay or straight.

"But to answer your question, I'm still figuring it out. Carl understands and respects that—I don't know, maybe it's just him. Would that be so bad?" he had continued to say, and he had to pause because he had been feeling a little adrenaline kick in his veins now that he was able to tell the truth.

"Not at all, Matt. It's great that both of you are happy with each other, and you know I applaud you for being brave to speak on it here," Sharon had said, her face had contorted from a serious expression to a much kinder expression. "My only other question is, h-how is it different from your previous relationships?"

"Well, to start, Carl's a man," Matthew had said, laughing a little but his reaction seemed to had made the tension alleviate from the audience as they had started to show signs of life by laughing with him and clapping their hands for him. And somehow, hearing the audience's reaction, had made it easier for the actor to continue saying what needed to be said.

"My previous relationships, uh—they weren't exactly great. I think, Kelsea was the only one who remained friends with me. I didn't handle those relationships very well, and it's not because I could be gay, but because I wasn't particularly interested in having relationships at that point. I was at the peak of my career, and romance was far from the things I wanted.

I guess, you know at one certain point of my career, my exes—they were sunshine, and I was midnight rain. With Carl, I don't even know where to begin," he had paused to let out a dreamy laugh, while Sharon and the audience had watched him like a hawk zoning in on its prey but with kinder expressions.

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