Chapter 23: Honeymoon Avenue

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"I just want to take this time to thank all of you for being part of this project. It has been fun and exciting few months of filming with you, especially to our lead actors—Matthew, Cole, you've been amazing all throughout the past few months. I knew it was the right choice to pick you both as Liam and Spencer, and everyone here will agree with me.

And, of course, Juno, thank you for directing this wonderful story for me, my love. I love you—I love all of you, so cheers to us!" Cole said with a heartwarming grin on his face, standing in front of the dinner table while holding a glass of champagne in his hand as he stared over the people that made Superstar possible.

There were laughter and distinct chatters among them as they all raised their glasses for the toast. Matthew and Carl were sitting together, big smiles plastered on their faces with their hands raised for the toast as they listened to Cole's speech. Their respective managers sat across of them, and like them, satisfied and proud expression could be seen on their faces.

If there were people who were most proud of Matthew and Carl, they were Tyler and Denise. They would do anything to protect these celebrities from harm, and they have proven that thus far in their careers. No matter the situation, they have always shown support to the celebrities they managed—right or wrong doings, and that was how it should always be.

Among the chatters and clinks of glasses across the room, there was a soft, melodic music playing in the background, and it was Carl's music, as per the request of the people they have worked with.

After some speeches between Cole and Jermaine, everyone made sure to have fun on the dinner party—eating as much as they could to satisfy their hunger for the night, drinking wine, champagne, and beer as much as they could for the sake of the party, and enjoying the overall ambiance of the party as it might be the last get-together to be with some of them.

The restaurant was a renowned five-star and has a Michelin star to boast its popularity. The inside structure was nothing too grand—there were several aesthetic portraits on every corner of the walls, medium-sized curtains filled the corners with windows as Cole have wanted some peace and quiet for them, and elegance on the table with the cloths and napkins.

On one side of the restaurant, there was a cascading waterfall on a translucent glass, and beside it, was a spiral wooden staircase that led to the upper floor. Walking on the floor, several dining staff carried several necessary things for the dinner party, and everyone was grateful for their work.

"Time sure flies, doesn't it?" Carl said with a heavy sigh, though his smile never left his face.

Matthew nodded in agreement after a sip of his champagne, biting his lip to prevent a snort that was on its way from his mouth. "Yeah, back then, you didn't even want to kiss me," he said as a joke with a roll of his eyes and a short laugh.

Prince spat out the drink he had in his mouth after hearing the words come out of Matthew's lips, and everyone who was in the vicinity to hear it started to laugh, including both of the celebrities' managers, as Carl started to blush like a ripened tomato, hiding his face on Matthew's shoulder, away from the attention he was getting.

"Shut up," the musician muttered under his breath in embarrassment, puffing his reddened cheeks while he pouted on Matthew's shoulder.

"Oh my God, you were right under my nose, after all," Prince sputtered in the most pathetic way possible after he wiped his face with a napkin, a small look of surprise on his face as he came to the realization. He gave a smirk after, saying with utmost confidence, "And you said you didn't have a crush on him, now you're wrapped around Carl's pretty little finger."

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