Chapter 1: Innocent

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"Matthew! Is it true you're starring with Jennifer Lawrence for your next movie?"

A random paparazzi yelled over as several flashes of cameras blinded his vision as Matthew posed for the red carpet of an award show. He smiled for the cameras, even though he was itching to scratch both his eyes. He had to look good in red carpet photos, or it might just trigger the explosion from his team's back button.

Although, he wished the rumor was true because there was no way he could keep his mouth shut from a secret like that. But, no, it was completely false. His team couldn't even contact her team for a collaboration, and they have been trying very hard to do so.

"Matthew, over here!"

He walked sideways and paused to pose and smile for the camera, in a different angle this time. He was dressed formally; a dark blue Armani suit on the front, a white long sleeved dress shirt underneath, a brown pair of Durant Oxfords for his shoes, and to finish the style, a pair of dark blue dress pants from Bonobos.

His glam team made sure to make him look perfect tonight.

After the red carpet entrance photo op, Matthew and some of his team wasted no time in getting inside the venue. Walking inside the marvelous Los Angeles Convention Center, he was welcomed with elegance in every part of the room.

Expensive chandeliers were hanging onto the ceiling with their bright yellow lights to light up the whole room. There were long and big, golden tapestries draped over every side of the room. A several medium-sized round tables covered with black and gold tablecloth across the floor elegantly—good for seven or eight people—were placed near the stage.

Distinct chatters among celebrities were sparking a few candid moments. Everyone in the room was present and looking gorgeous as they talked around, laughed, and played catch up with their friends in the industry. It was fun to see some familiar faces around on award shows.

Hired staff and workers were working diligently, walking fast as they did what they needed to do. There was a big set up for the teleprompt right at the middle of the room, where it separated the celebrities and audience. There were a lot of people behind working on it, making sure it was working out just fine.

"Where are we seated?" Matthew asked as he and his team continued to walk, nodding, saying hello, and smiling at the people who acknowledged him.

"Did you not read the memo I sent you?" his manager, Tyler, chastised him with a glare. He sighed heavily, as if the world was going to end when he learned about Matthew not reviewing the memo he sent.

Rolling his eyes at his manager, Matthew scoffed lightly and said, "Relax, Ty. It's not a big deal."

"Matt, it's a big deal," his assistant manager, Prince, butted into the conversation. He opened his mouth again, but he hesitated as he looked in between Tyler and Matthew as if waiting for permission.

When the small nod from Tyler came, Prince turned to Matthew and said begrudgingly, "You're nominated for three awards. This awards show isn't like the Academy, but just so you know, it still counts for your reputation."

"You didn't tell me it was important," Matthew said in defense, his voice attempting to reach a higher octave while his face formed in a frown.

"Everything I tell you is important—Jesus," Tyler whispered in distress, his eyes widening for a moment before he closed his eyes, sighed heavily, and turned away from Matthew immediately as if he was a sore-eye.

Prince stifled a laugh as he slapped the back of Matthew's head—to which he exclaimed in surprise, "Ow!"

Matthew snorted, but he bit his lower lip to try and stop himself from laughing when his manager turned to him and gave a menacing glare. If he wasn't Matthew, then maybe it would have worked. But since he has already seen through everything his manager's parade, he was immune from it.

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