Chapter 7: Somewhere Only We Know

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It was three days later, after the meeting with Cole and Jermaine, that Carl was arranged by his team to move in with Matthew in his penthouse. They have had made the arrangements before they parted ways the last time they saw each other, and Carl's team had ruled out that they have to prepare Carl's things for when he would move in.

Tyler had agreed that it was best to give them time and not rush the musician into moving in with Matthew. It was the day after the meeting that he got the message saying that Carl would be in Matthew's home in three days' time, and today was the day.

"Try not to look so excited, Matty," Prince teased the actor, a small chuckle leaving his lips as they both sat together on the sofas across from each other. "You look like you're about to puke sunshine and daisies over there."

Ever since the meeting, Prince had been teasing Matthew nonstop about his nonexistent crush on the musician. He was adamant that his friend was crushing on Carl—saying things that didn't make any sense, like how he almost defended the musician back at the meeting three days ago; or when the actor saved him from falling flat on his face.

Now, they were waiting for Tyler as he volunteered to chaperone Carl before Matthew and Prince could utter another word—not like they were going to be against it.

"No, I'm not—Jesus," Matthew said, rolling his eyes as he made a face at the accusation. "You're tripping, Prince. I swear."

"Come on," Prince said, dragging his words as he smirked at the actor.

"I mean, he's tall and handsome. What else—oh, he sings! And he has that charming smile that girls and boys die for seeing."

Scoffing in his seat, Matthew chuckled as he lied down on the sofa and stared at his phone. "Sounds like you're the one with the crush, Your Highness," he said with a roll of his eyes and pursed lips.

"Oh, they're here," Prince said, looking briefly at his phone. The sudden change in his voice had Matthew immediately springing up, clumsily falling flat on his face onto the carpeted floor, thinking to himself that he wanted to at least be presentable in his guest's point of view. This didn't escape Prince's line of sight as he burst into a fit of giggles.

"Fuck—I fucking hate you, Prince," these were the only words Matthew uttered when he stood up to fix himself upon realizing he was baited.

"I didn't mean here in the penthouse—I meant, they're downstairs," Prince said after a few rounds of giggles, standing up from his seat and waving his phone at Matthew showing him a text message from Michael, his social media manager.

"I was reading Mikey's message, dude. Holy shit, that was gold," he continued to say, still giggling and shaking his head as he walked away from the living room and up to the small steps towards the kitchen.

Scoffing to himself as his glare wasn't noticed by his assistant manager, Matthew whispered nonsense under his breath and picked up his phone from the floor as he sat down once again on the sofa.

It wasn't a crush, in Matthew's defense. He was just very interested to Carl—to what he could bring to the table, as a person and as a co-worker. His assistant manager wasn't seeing things thoroughly, and perhaps, Prince was teasing him a little too much to his comfort.

Sure enough, Matthew was a little disappointed that he wasn't working with a more well-known actor. But not to the point where he could decline Cole's offer, because he was being honest when he said that this movie could turn out better than what he was expecting. The LGBTQ+ community did like gay movies where it doesn't end in tragedy, and he hoped that this has a good ending.

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