Chapter 21: Top of the World

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My new single will be out on Friday, together with the music video. 8pm EST. @jmclifford.

"...and send tweet," Carl said, his face on a serious expression; his lips were pursed, his forehead ceased on an unusual frown, and his attention solely focused on his phone as he typed. A few seconds later, his face broke into a handsome smile as he let his phone slip away from his hands after he tweeted.

The tweet has instantly gone viral within the first few seconds. It wasn't surprising because Matthew was included in the tweet, along with a five-second snippet of his participation in the music video—which was Tyler's idea as he had told them beforehand that the actor would attract people to watch the video.

It has already been a week long after they shot the music video. The general idea of the video was to deliver a message to people that love is love—no matter what their sexuality and gender was—and no matter how far they were to their special someone, it didn't matter as long as they keep thinking about them and loving them the way they usually did.

They have watched the finalized edited version of the music video, and both Matthew and Carl were very proud and satisfied of what they did. The video started off as a black and white in color with Matthew, Cole, and Dominic seemingly misguided to a random street of New York, and when the chorus started, they each have all found a paper heart tied to a red string.

Then, after getting the idea that they should follow where the string lead them to, warm colors started to show up and it slowly progressed to where they felt at ease. And finally, towards the end of the video, all of them found their way to Carl, Jermaine, and Alexa—each of them too, holding paper hearts with strings attached to their respective partners.

"Thank you, again, Cole, Jermaine, everyone," Carl said, tilting his head up to look at everyone in the conference room as the smile on his face remained. His eyes held so many emotions in place, but the one that was very evident, was gratefulness.

"I wouldn't have done this without your help," he continued to say, putting an arm around Matthew—who sat beside him with a loving stare and a soft smile directed at the musician. They were both proud of each other—of how they were overcoming the consequences by the public, one-by-one and step-by-step.

"You're very welcome, Carl—and congratulations on the success of the music video," Cole replied with a wink towards the musician and the actor, while Jermaine just nodded at them with a small smile. "Now, for a much serious matter, I've called you here for numerous reasons. One, was for the Paper Hearts music video.

And two, Superstar will officially be underway in two weeks' time. The estimation is for at least three to four months of filming. I'm going to need everyone's cooperation during that time. And, no, Matthew—no exceptions for you. So, I want you all to get ready because we're going to shoot the best romance film in this decade,"

And, so they did.

For the first few days of filming, there was no actual shooting of some scenes. Instead, they helped the production team set up the place to be appropriate for the film. No one complained, but there were a few minor inconveniences—a great example would be, the fans.

It wasn't a surprise, since sooner or later, they would have had to announce it. They had already revealed that the project Matthew was working on was a movie with Carl, although the general public had just assumed that the actor had been talking about being part of Carl's latest music video.

Majority of the fans have rejoiced at the collaboration project the new gay couple of the entertainment industry were starring at, but some had been commenting at the distaste of what was happening in the world. Because apparently, non-straight couples were weird for their eyes to see.

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