Chapter 15: You & I

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Sex was an intimate act of service. That was something both Matthew and Carl agreed and respected—so much that they have lost themselves in their own little world and lost track of time.

"Oh, God," Matthew gasped for air, breathing raggedy breaths and lying down on the bed with Carl hovering over him—both in the same state of mind, dazed and overwhelmed of emotions at the very moment.

Carl chuckled, a little breathless as he leaned in to kiss Matthew, who eagerly kissed him back and wrapped his arms around him in a tight embrace. They were covered in sweat all over their bodies, but they didn't care—all they could care about at the moment was themselves and the predicament they were currently involved.

Matthew was speechless. His feelings were on an all-time high, and whether it was great or not, there was only one thing his mind could process; Carl was addicting and mind-blowing, and he couldn't get enough of him. He didn't know what to say after what just happened.

What was he supposed to say? Nice hip thrusts? Or ask for another round of sex?

"You're amazing, you know that?" The musician whispered against Matthew's lips, his hair wet, stuck to a bed-hair style, and drenched in sticky sweat. He gave the actor one last chaste kiss before he flopped onto the bed, joining Matthew as they stared at the ceiling in silence.

The silence wasn't awkward—they were over that phase. It was helping them collect their own thoughts from their own world.

"I don't want to go to the dinner anymore," Matthew said after a few minutes, breaking the silence in the atmosphere as he turned to his side, wrapped one arm and leg around Carl's naked body, and snuggled closer to the musician.

Carl exhaled a laugh and turned his head slightly, so Matthew was tucked in from where his neck and shoulders meet. "Don't tempt me, baby. But we already promised Cole we'd go," he said, kissing the actor's temple as he held on to the arm around his waist.

The actor groaned lazily, and Carl didn't know if he was in agony or if there was a mixture of laughter. The musician laughed, feeling at ease, relaxed, and extra attached to Matthew after a round of sex.

"Come on, let's take a shower," he said, patting the arm around him—while Matthew groaned yet again, a pout starting to form on his sweaty and tired, handsome face.


"Of course, baby. I wouldn't have it any other way,"

When they made it to the bathroom, laughing and giggling to themselves and arms wrapped around each other in full nude, they didn't waste a single a moment to be all over each other again. The only difference this time was that they were in the bathroom, not giving a single care that they were already about to be late to the dinner party.

Later that same evening, the two celebrities arrived on the private restaurant Cole had rented prior to this day, for the sole purpose of meeting everyone involved in making their movie. They rushed all the way here, dressed in each other's clothes as Carl had said they didn't have the time to be mindful of what they were wearing.

"Sorry, we're late," Matthew said, not even sounding apologetic at all as there was a look of delight in his eyes, arriving to the venue thirty minutes later than the scheduled time due to personal reasons. "I fell asleep."

"Didn't have the heart to wake him up, sorry," Carl lied through his teeth, a guiding hand on Matthew's waist as he glanced at the actor—who just nodded his head and smiled at him in reassurance.

Walking inside the modern classic restaurant, their sneakers squeaked with every step they took against the marbled tiled floors, accompanied by a female hostess dressed in a classic fine dining uniform.

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