Chapter 5: 1 Step Forward, 3 Steps Back

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The big day has come!

Today was the meeting about the movie Matthew's good friend, Cole, was producing. The same movie he was excited for after hearing it from Tyler, and the same movie that Cole's husband was directing.

Matthew has been waiting for this moment ever since. To him, it has already felt so long since he last starred in a movie. But that wasn't really the case—the movies he has done for the past two years felt like it lacked something; like he didn't feel his usual self in the roles he had played.

Maybe this movie would help Matthew find himself again—find that something he was looking for.

"Has Tyler messaged you yet? About some changes in the movie?" Prince asked as he sat comfortably on the couch of Matthew's penthouse. He was munching on a chocolate brownie, while he was checking his phone with one hand.

"No, he hasn't," Matthew said as he kept walking from the kitchen to his bedroom to get ready, before he put the whole brownie in his mouth—letting his cheeks get chubby as he happily munched on the snack.

Prince hummed a small "okay" under his breath and took another bite of the brownie in his hand, before he nodded to the rest of the team as a signal to get ready. "We're leaving after Matthew finishes his shenanigans," he said as they didn't waste a single second getting up from their seats and got ready for themselves.

Matthew took a cold, short shower as he didn't want to be late and wanted to make a good first impression to Cole's husband. It was going to be his first time seeing his friend's husband, and he strongly believed that first impressions last.

From the stories Cole had told him, his husband was strict and work-oriented, like most directors were. So, for that reason, he didn't want to let up when they meet—especially since this movie could very well be another global hit in Matthew's career.

He was also hoping that somewhat his co-actors would have the perfect synchronization with him. He remembered that Cole once told him before, that making a movie took a real teamwork and patience to do so.

"Where are we meeting them?" Matthew asked his team once he got out of his bedroom and was all dressed up in casual clothing.

"Uh, at Hello December Studios," Prince answered in uncertainty, squinting at his phone to see if he read Tyler's message correctly. "I'll check google maps right away."

"Hello December Studios," Matthew echoed with a frown, thinking if he had ever heard that studio name before, but he couldn't remember whether Cole had mentioned it to him in their previous conversations.

"Do they get the cold shoulder treatments from their clients?" he couldn't help but joke at the name of the studio. But as a reply, his team said nothing as they looked like they were deciding whether to laugh or to ignore him. "Get it?"

Again, there was another wave of pure, awkward silence in the room, until Prince snorted and burst out into a fit of giggles as he stared at Matthew with a smile.

"That was pathetic, even for you, Matty," Prince retorted, while the actor just rolled his eyes in response, walked away from his team, and grumbled, "Whatever, let's just go. Killjoys."

When they have gotten out of the hotel, the security didn't waste a single minute to assure Matthew and his team would get to the car in complete safety—forming a line from either side of the carpet to make sure no fans would disrupt them from their agenda. There were some fans who knew about the location of his houses, and he didn't want to know how they knew. But he didn't want to let his day be ruined especially today.

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