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Ψ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 Ψ

𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, dreaming of him.

My thoughts had lingered to what I wanted.

Us, together.

I was swimming in the crystal-clear water seeing all the little sea creatures swimming around. I turned around and there he was.

The Son of Hermes. Luke. The boy I like.

I smiled in the water and reached for his hands. But as he took mine, he began morphing into that same creature. I tried shaking myself free, but they grabbed me by wrists instead.

"You gullible child. So eager to be noticed and loved. That is what will cost you everything."

The Kronos... he formed as I gasped feeling his hands at my neck, but I grabbed his hand pushed him away and swam to the surface.


I screamed myself awake sitting up on the bed and held my chest and panted seeing my mom as she grabbed my arm and held my face.

I was now 18 and still being babied.

"Mami, I'm fine." I tried to tell her getting her hands off me.

She looked at me with a saddened expression asking me "another nightmare? What now?"

My eyes met hers as I swallowed my saliva and I just nodded "it was him, that thing..."

I couldn't tell my mom the truth, how could I? If I did...she might beat my ass.

She frowned and kissed the side of my head and said "well, I know you hate your nightmares. But you know what...soon enough you'll see all your friends again, Damien, that girl Clarisse, that boy Chris...and I'm sorry about-"

She paused for a second and thought to herself looking back at me asking "was Luke your...novio?"

I glared at my mom for even trying to say boyfriend in Spanish as if that made it any better at all. I got up from bed slipping on my fuzzy slippers and walked to the bathroom splashing water on my face as I sighed rubbing the back of my neck looking into the mirror and began cleaning myself up.

Now that I am officially a High School graduate that only made it into like 3 colleges with my crappy grades it was still fine. I walked out of the bathroom and changed into a new outfit.

"Finally, your last day of school! My little girl is a High School graduate. Got accepted into college, I could not imagine of a more perfect way for you to end the year and return to that stupid camp." She let out and I laughed at her words as I looked in a mirror and put on some makeup.

"Oh, you need none of that, you are my beautiful daughter with beautiful skin." She kissed my cheek and I smiled at her comment and sighed adding some freckles that I have been losing throughout the years.

Besides all the girls started judging me for the lack of makeup so I have only done very little. Bullies still suck, but thankfully it's the last day which means no more learning and being bothered about much of anything when it comes to schoolwork!

YAY! But now I must go to school and get my diploma, I will do it so my mom can be happy. I never want to let her down. But I hate that she called Luke my boyfriend.

To be honest...

I don't even know what we are...really.

Throughout this school year I've been training myself without the need of camp, I hate my dad and so whenever I had time and I had water near me I tried it all. I was going to prove to him that I didn't need to be claimed.

Being dubbed the Unclaimed Daughter of Poseidon now when I officially enter camp is going to be rough, Clarisse and I have exchanged Iris messages which is how I know this information ever since the end of last summer.

Damien has been able to visit every now and then but then he has to leave to go off and find those little Demi-God children out there who need to get to Camp to get to safely.

Chris has been radio silent but Clarisse has been sending me that he's just been silent ever since Luke had left, even ignoring her.

Which she found to be annoying...

I felt for him, I know I was a girl that liked him but they're brothers, best friends and more. I wasn't going to judge his feelings especially at this moment.

Back to me practicing these new water powers I inherited from a God who didn't even care to be a dad.

Everything was difficult to start off with, when I tried to start forcing something, nothing happened. I can't believe it was easier for me to do my magic water crap when I didn't even mean too!

I mean that's how it was at first, but once Spring began and my mom went with me to Flushing Park, we saw that big pond...dirty water, as a child I was always scared of it. But now when I looked into the water...that's when it happened.

My mom went over to buy some empanadas for us to take home from the ladies in those small carts.

But as I leaned my hands on the railing just looking around my bracelet fell off unexpectedly just like from one of my visions. I had panicked for a moment and was about to throw myself in the trash water probably getting 15 different diseases, but it was important to me.

Out of nowhere these serpents...came up from the water. 3 of them came out of the water and all I could do was back away, I didn't even realize how I even did it until I realized I reached my hand out for bracelet.

My hand was still up as the serpents stared at me and I saw my mom appear beside me hassling me to stop.

But I knew no one was gonna be able to see unless they had the sight to clear the mist from showing them reality. I held out the palm of my other hand as one serpent with its mouth set the bracelet in my hand. I slowly moved my hand down towards the water as they all sunk back into the water.

I had an epiphany at that moment, the water and I had a special connection, it was a like calling to another like. A magnet. I hated it for a few minutes because of the connection I had with my dad, but then...I had to remember my dad doesn't make up my entire being.

I didn't ask to be a Half-blood, but I am one...and I'll see this as an opportunity to finally figure out who I am.

And by training more wherever water appeared those serpents felt like they belonged to me, like I was meant to control and oversea them. Perhaps one day I will master it, but for right now all I can do is keep trying new tricks.

And even if Poseidon may love Percy more, cared about his mom and him more...I was gonna do everything in my power to make sure that I was powerful to protect myself, the people I love, and my mom.

I'll do what he refused to do for us...


A New Journey has started! Hayley is now an 18 year old High School graduate!

Clearly she has a lot of baggage and a lot of stuff she needs to figure out.

And...well...what is she to Luke?

{2} 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now