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Ψ 𝐓𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 Ψ

𝐈𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐥𝐲, my body was flung off the side of the ship. I could barely make noise, but my instinct was to grab onto the side of the ledge with my hands as I tried to pull myself up.

"Help me!" I shouted as I saw Sebastian run over and grab my arms.

"Clarisse stop going so fast!" Sebastian shouted at her, but she spat back "I can't if I do, we might die!"

He grabbed hold of my wrists as I grabbed his and I panicked looking down as I thought of something but before I could try Sebastian was pushed away and I saw Tyson.

"Grab hands!" He told me and I grabbed his hands, and he pulled me up in one swift motion and he held onto me as tightly as he could and I sighed in relief holding him in my arms.

I looked at Tyson and smiled at him and hugged him. I felt his arms wrap around me and I said "good job Tyson..."

He laughed and giggled in my ear as I saw Percy staring at us as I quickly pulled away from Tyson. Looking over to Sebastian I smirked and approached him.

"Thank you for trying." He rolled his eyes at my words, clearly wanting to be my knight in shining armor.

I smiled and hugged him as he seemed shocked, and I laughed out "thank you..."

I felt him hug me back and hold my head as I started to think of Luke as he did that...

I pulled away from him with a smile on my face trying to not make it so obvious. The ship lurched forward once again as this time Sebastian grabbed my waist pulling me closer as Clarisse shouted out "Full reverse!"

The waves crashed over the deck as we began spitting out water and getting soaked. Sebastian grabbed me and placed my hands on the poles holding up some of the flags above.

"Get us within firing range! Make ready starboard cannons!" Clarisse screamed out.

The zombies rushed around the deck as I saw Annabeth and Percy struggling as they finally grabbed onto something along with Tyson.

Watching the propeller on the ship start to reverse to try and slow the ship it didn't help that we kept sliding towards the center of the vortex which wouldn't be good. At all.

"Boiler room overheating ma'am! She's going to blow!" We heard a soldier shout rushing out with burnt clothes and burnt hair.

Clarisse turned her head and grumbled and screamed out "get down there and fix it!"

The man explained "we can't! We have tried! We're vaporizing in the heat!"

Clarisse fought back "I just need a few more minutes to get into range!"

The man fought back "it won't hold Miss!"

But as he spoke Tyson told her "I can fix it!"

Both Sebastian and I looked at one another hesitant along with Clarisse having a terrifying reaction.

"You? The cyclops?" She asked, making Annabeth reply "he's immune to fire and he knows mechanics."

She couldn't fight or argue now letting Tyson go off, but Percy grabbed him, refusing to let him go off on his own.

"Tyson no! It's too dangerous!" Percy shouted. Tyson reassured him "only way, brother. I will fix it and be right back."

Watching Tyson run off I saw the worry in Percy's eyes. But I couldn't get too distracted as we began approaching Charybdis in the smoke and mist. Only being yards away from us in the water it was terrifyingly large, we were in a life-or-death situation. I knew if we approached any closer it could kill us all in one go.

But for us in this matter we had no choice.

Its large mouth with rows of teeth screeched and made us all cover our ears to the noise as it tried sucking us in.

"Lady Clarisse! Starboard and forward guns are in range!" The captain shouted and Clarisse replied with "Fire!"

Three blasts went after Charybdis, knocking off an incisor, one in its gullet than the bands of its braces. Yes, the monster had braces. But the one aimed for the bands shot back at us hurling towards the Ares flagpole taking it down in half.

We covered our heads quickly, "again!" Clarisse shouted in hopes we could get out of this, even though our odds seemed unlikely.

But then the environment changed around us, the engine felt stronger, more powerful beneath us. Seeing the ship begin to move away from Charybdis, Annabeth shouted "Tyson did it!"

We sighed in relief, Tyson came through and was able to save us somehow, but I wasn't going to question it, I was just thankful we were gonna be okay! The sea finally began to calm down and the water washed over Charybdis. But just as that happened the mouth flew open spitting out anything that it couldn't digest from its system.

We all freaked out as we saw one of the cannonballs being spit out and it slammed into the side of the ship creating a loud doorbell-like sound. We were thrown backwards about 40 feet into the air with the wave that came with us. I groaned and shut my eyes trying my best to remain calm as I tried to calm down the waves.

Feeling myself stay calm the waves copied my emotions but with that I heard muffled screaming as it tried to break my concentration, but I couldn't let that happen.

"We have to abandon ship!" I heard and that broke my concentration as Clarisse shouted "no!"

But the ship was feeling rather...bumpy.

"We have no choice m'lady if not-" the zombie man couldn't even finish his sentence as something brown and green from the sky came down, taking him and leaving just his boots.

All of us began panicking as more of the undead men on board began being snatched as Percy shouted at everyone "everyone get below!"

Clarisse had told him "We can't, it's in flames!" She shouted as we watched the flames from below where Tyson was most likely sitting in.

"Hayley do your thing! Last year!" Clarisse looked my way as I looked up and said, "It's hard! I'm too stressed!"

She screamed out "try it god dammit!"

I gulped and looked at the water as I tried to calm down when I realized...I didn't need to be calm for this. I just need to be mad...furious...vengeful.

I snapped.

"Get the boats ready, get Tyson, I'll handle them!" I spat out as Annabeth warned me "it'll take you if you don't go!"

I looked at the sea around us as the sea began to bubble and I grunted out "go now!"

But before they could reach the lifeboats, I may have done the stupidest but also smartest thing I had tried to do. I ran to the edge of the boat and stepped on the edge and jumped off the ledge and into the water.


We're about to see what Hayley is capable of and what Poseidon...had thought about.

One of the many reasons to leave her unclaimed. He thinks she wouldn't be able to do any of it.

But she will prove him wrong.

Trust me though. She's capable of so much more...hehehehe...

I can't wait for the next chapter!!

{2} 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now