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Ψ 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 Ψ

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧'𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝, while everyone was getting ready for this life-or-death chariot race, I was being interrogated by Tantalus and Dionysus.

"I don't know anything!" I shouted at them "it just happened!"

Tantalus argued "Earthquakes don't just occur! Poseidon doesn't do that when he just feels like it!"

I rubbed my arms as Mr. D groaned out "that's why. Bailey here is his kid. What you did interrupted me from doing something very important."

He was clearly lying but I didn't want to dig a bigger hole for myself with attitude, I sat there and just shrugged "I'm sorry, okay?"

Once again, Tantalus looked annoyed "an apology won't just fix this!"

I screamed "fine! Maybe I'll just..." I lifted my hand and he stared at me in anger.

"You. Will. What?"

We gave one another glares, of course we weren't going to get along that well and it was not going to be good. If I keep up the argument for all I know I may destroy something, besides my abilities may not even work considering he can't even get near a source of food.

Would water count? Maybe...

"Hey!" Tantalus shouted to snap me out of my thoughts.

Tantalus grumbled and I turned away and held my head from a migraine that was settling in. I closed my eyes slowly shaking my head trying my best not to cry.

"Fine, what's my punishment?" I asked turning back to them.

He smirked and looked at me "you have to take care of the monster boy."

Anything but that, I kept my mouth shut. Knowing me I would've just said something else so in Spanish under my breath I cursed at him. Which you shouldn't do.

"What dog?" He asked me confused and I rolled my eyes as I said to him "fine. I'll...take care of him."

Those words annoyed me, but I had to say them, I kicked the table hearing him scream but I ignored him and walked out.

But as I was walking out of the building I bumped into a camper and tripped falling on my ass as I winced and the person who bumped into me kneeled to see if I was okay.

I looked at them and realized they looked familiar...the sun was hitting us but his face I could finally make out. He was one of the Aphrodite kids I had seen for a brief moment last year when I was with Luke, and we walked around camp to show me the place.

I mean, all of Aphrodite's children were very beautiful, you didn't even have to have a crush but maybe feel a tad bit envious, they looked perfect.

But on the inside, some were not.

He helped me up as I wiped the dirt off my butt as I groaned seeing the dust of the forest floor come off "great..."

"Sorry. We haven't properly met. I'm Sebastian." He held out his hand and I just stared at his hand and then him.

He had somewhat wavy hair, he looked...I don't care how he looked. I shook his hand in return as he grinned from ear to ear pulling his arm away to cross his arms but leaving one hand untucked to point his finger at me.

"You're the dau-" he paused himself from speaking before correcting himself.

"I mean...you're Hayley."

I looked at him and asked, "you were gonna say daughter of Poseidon, weren't you?"

He let out a small sigh and gave a guilty nod "however, you haven't been claimed and judging from what we saw a few days ago...well, whatever happened and having been attending Tantalus's office frequently doesn't seem to be a great thing huh?"

I looked back at the building, The Big House. I turned back to him and just simply stated "Well Sebastian, you seem nice, thanks and rude of you for shoving me like that."

He chuckled at my words, Aphrodite's children really were attractive, I mean...being bisexual and seeing some of the kids before knowing their ages they all look like models. And he wasn't any different.

But he wasn't Luke.

"Walk with me?" He asked and I asked back "you sure you want to be seen with the kid Poseidon won't claim?"

Sebastian had a look of thinking as he spoke his words, "well it's not like Percy Jackson and his monster." He looked back my way and I sighed going ahead and walking by his side.

As we walked together, he began with questions "so since you're unclaimed, you don't care for Percy or that...monster."

Hearing those words, I stopped and looked at him.

I smiled and held out my hand "can I see your hand?"

He seemed intrigued as he handed his left hand and I smiled, twisting his arm behind his back, and grabbing his free shoulder in my other hand as I pulled him to my chest in the process. He winced and groaned as I whispered into his ear.

"I may not like Percy or Poseidon to care or acknowledge their existence. But I don't condone bullying. Call Tyson by his name."

Shoving him away from me he scoffed at my actions, maybe he was surprised I wasn't easily charmed.

"They're wrong about you, they say you're incapable, I believe you are more than you lead on." He claimed and I just turned around and began leaving hearing his laughs.

"We all compare Percy to Luke; everyone here seems to forget about you." He pointed out as I hummed.

I looked his way as we walked, and I told him sarcastically "really? Didn't notice, maybe it's because Percy saved us, Percy this, Percy that. And that's why I don't want to be his big sister. I've been compared to enough in my life already, I don't need to hear it from...Demigods."

Sebastian thankfully could recognize that, and he sighed out "well...my sister doesn't think the same way, she talks about wanting to speak to you. Like she had a sudden interest once you returned to camp a few days ago."

I was confused until he confirmed my thoughts came out from his mouth "Silena. Silena Beauregard?"

The name rang bells everywhere in my head when Clarisse's letter flashed in my head mentioning her once before and how she was too sweet. It made me laugh and kick my feet like a kid hearing that.

"Why would she be interested in wanting to speak with me?" He shrugged and told me "I don't judge my dear little sister. Even if we are not born of the same father...we are of the same mother."

He smiled and I looked at him and said "did you enchant me to just keep walking with you? Cause I've gotten tired of you."

Sebastian scoffed and approached me and leaned closer and told me right in my face "what enchantment? You are simply speaking to Sebastian Barrera."

I saw his face and he just used his smile and walked away as I shouted, "you did!"

He shouted back as he walked away "no such thing!" I heard his laugh and I groaned, rolling my eyes as I walked in the other direction and left not knowing if he did want to speak or if he's just manipulating me to speak.

I have bad trust issues now...

Later I would know that he was speaking to me that day...was all for a reason...


I mentioned on my Tiktok that I made...a character...second...love interest...

We need things to spice things up alright!

Meet Sebastian Barrera, the Puerto Rican loverboy who happens to be the older brother of Silena Beauregard. He can be flirty but extremely protective.

{2} 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now