𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗇𝗂𝗇𝖾

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Jane was sat on her temporary comforter scrolling on her latest iPhone. She saw the hype in iPhones because it seemed to be the only thing that got her through the day. She tapped on Instagram which she was forced to get after becoming famous. Her account had 50 million followers but she would be willing to trade them all for Hazel to follow her. Her phone started to buzz out of nowhere making Jane almost throw the device across the room.

Her producer, rob, was calling which only happens when something amazingly good is happening or it's practically a war. Rob was mandatory after Janes career hit a spark and he has helped her platform grow even more. Jane thought that becoming famous could help her find hazel again and it did, except she didn't expect the grudge to follow behind.

"Hello?" Jane answered putting her mask back on.

"Sorry to bother you Jane but we have a situation." Rob announced.

In eagerness Jane said, "yeah, what's the situation?"

"Well it seems that you are becoming more popular this week especially because of your debut at the cafe stand." Jane didn't see the problem. "However, many people have been circulating the internet about a mysterious girl, that girl being...hold on lemme show you." Rob sent a picture to Jane of her and Hazel together in the cafe.

"That Hazel." Jane said slowly.

"Yeah I'm not sure who this Hazel is but she gone viral as the hot mysterious girl and she even has a few edits too." Fuck was all that ran through janes mind. Hiding hazels identity never crossed janes already jam packed mind yet right now, it was all that was in there.

"Okay I'll get it sorted, thanks Rob." Jane said politely. They said their goodbyes and soon hung up. Jane ran her long slender fingers through her hair as she thought of all the negative possibilities of this dilemma. What if Hazel hadn't changed and became a horrible famous woman? Jane couldn't risk that. Hazel is a sweet harmless girl who is incredibly stunning yet Jane knew that could be snatched and used by others. Jane knew it was her jealousy tweaking at her body once again.

Jane stared out of the window looking at all the trees dance in the wind. She was questioning on going to the cafe and getting her usual sugary drink but she knew that wasn't the only reason. She soon found herself being pulled by a force that was too confusing to explain. Jane always called Hazel her magnet because the attracted together and we're always somehow being drawn towards each other even if it's slowly.

She looked over the autumn bundle and smiled when she saw Hazel sat reading her book in one of the orange booths. Jane loved that Hazel was a small introverted woman and not a loud in you face person. She liked many things about Hazel but the way she kept quiet when she knew to or even the peaceful afternoons they once shared, really took a toll on Jane.

With her red-bottom heals, Jane strutted into the cafe earning a few heads to follow the sudden noises way. A few people started to whisper to each other and point in Janes direction making Jane feel on top of the world, well that was until she realised that she had turned everyone's head except hazels who's nose was still lingering inside the book. Slowly, Jane strolled towards the counter to order her unhealthy drink. The drink was made by a woman with bouncy curly hair who's name tag read 'Sara' who politely made small talk and even asked how the movie was going or how she was today which made Jane smile because someone had taken interest instead of shoving a camera in her face.

There was a table not too close to where Hazel was sat but also at a close enough distance that she could see her perfectly. She sat down on the seat and looked over at Hazel who seemed to be in her own world. Jane admired hazels time management to be able to have a small part of the day to herself because she isn't in the middle of the public or directors that make her kiss ugly guys, she was just a small cafe owner.

Jane also (and mostly) admired hazels beauty. To Jane, Hazel has a soft beauty and is naturally flawless. She didn't need any makeup and her eyelashes always looked curled i mean, she even pulled off glasses. She was shocked that she didn't date many people when the first met because Jane at the time was on her fifth boyfriend at 17. Weirdly Jane, since Hazel had left, had started to progressively go off boys yet she didn't know why. Every-time she was cast to be in a stupid old rom-com she always found a frown submerge her face as if she was hoping for something else. In janes eyes, it was probably a normal thing most actresses experience when they have to kiss over 30 men a year for stupid movies.

Slowly, Hazel placed her book down after what felt like centuries. She grabbed her phone which sat besides her and in which displayed a cat on the phone case making janes stomach flip. Jane closely watched as hazels face lit up from the white light beaming on her flushed skin and her hands slowly tapped at the screen. However this didn't last long as Jane saw a drop quicker than lightning strike on hazels face and her pucker lips lowly mouthed 'what the fuck.'

Hazel pushed herself up in a uproar and Jane curiously followed with her brown eyes. She saw her dart towards Sara and than her showing her phone which also put a similar expression on her face. Jane saw hazels little face become worried and watched her eyes start to cascade along the room until the hit right dead in centre of where Jane sat peacefully making her gulp as if under pressure.

Hard footsteps shook the dark oak floor as the enraged girl stormed toward Jane.

Jane looked up feeling intimidated easily by Hazel. "What the fuck!" Hazel said a little quieter still keeping the warm atmosphere. "Why am I viral on social media? Have you been planning this!" Jane was sure she could see stream spurs out of hazels ears.

"Calm down. Look, I didn't plan this whatsoever in fact, my producer just informed me about the issue. Sadly this is the cause of your own actions haze." Jane said mixing her coffee.

"I hung out with you once. Once! And it wasn't even my decision." Hazel rubbing her forehead as if she could magically make it all disappear putting a goofy smile on janes face. "What can we do about it?" Hazel asked.

"Well not much because I like coffee and I like your cafes coffee quite a bit so..." Jane looked over at a few younger girls videoing the two girls. "Don't look but there are a few cameras pointing in our direction right now." Jane gritted.

"And what if I do look?" Hazel questioned getting closer to janes face to the point where Jane could feel hazels hot breath glaze her cheeks.

"Then you'll make everything worse." Jane warned. "Come with me back to my house and we'll discuss it there."

"You have a house here? Hazel asked.

"It's temporary, come on." Jane grabbed hazels hand sending waves through her body like the slightest touch effects her millions. They walked outside and immediately saw thousands of eyes on them, the word had spread like fire that they were together again. "This way." Jane mouthed to Hazel who was shaking looking at the crowd. Jane saw the worry and handed Hazel her disguise she had left in her hand bag. She quickly placed the sunglasses and sun hat over the girl despite the cold autumn weather and the two power walked through to janes expensive whip.

"Holy shit, this car-"

"Yeah, it does it's job." Jane quickly replied.

𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 • 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 • 𝐰𝐥𝐰Where stories live. Discover now