𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗋𝗍𝗒 𝗈𝗇𝖾

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My heart is beating faster then I've ever. I said yes. My finger is now weighed down by a heavy diamond ring which shimmers nicely under the spot light. I can't stop looking at it. I don't like it. I've had almost ten interviews in the past thirty minutes and now I'm stood awkwardly whilst Joel attends to social matters of his own.

"Hey I'm going to the toilet I won't be a minute." I whispered to Joel who waves me off. I almost sprint away from the ball as if there was no more air for me in there. And then I look at hazels cafe which towers over me. I feel so guilty. I was about to kiss her in-front of everyone. I could've made her happy again. Now I've just made her more broken. Suddenly thoughts engulf my mind of all the terrible things that she could be doing. "Fuck." I whisper and then I rush to see her. Barging through the door and storming up the stairs and then pounding on the door.

Sophia opens the door and rolls her eyes, leaving it open for me to walk in.

"Where is she?"

"You've said that a worrying amount of times."

"Sophia cut the shit and tell me where she is."

"Are you fucking serious? Fine I'll tell you where she is. She's in her bathroom Jane probably crying on the floor and she won't let me in. Why you ask? Because of you."

I back away a little. I run to her bathroom and listen to her cry. "Hazel please let me in."

"I'm going. If she wants me then you must call me straight away. And Jane just a tip, stick to the person you love even if that means people stare." And with that Sophia walks out. I turn to the bathroom door.


"Jane... I don't think I can do this anymore."

My heart shatters a little, I can't lose hope. "Baby, I love you please know that." I hear her cry more.

"I love you but it's ruining my life."

"Honey let me in please."

"No..." I sit down by the door and cry softly.

"Hazel I need you to let me in so I can help you."

"I don't need help with anything-"

"Let me in."

I hear the lock unlatch and slowly the door swings open a little. "Please don't be mad." She cries.

As I open the door I'm in shock.


In one hand she holds a razor and the other she hold her thigh. I watch as a little blood escapes from under her hand. My eyes widen. I did this to her.

"Hazel I'm taking you to the hospital this isn't right."

"And say what? They'll ask why Jane and what am I meant to say?"

"My baby." I cry. "I'm so sorry."

"I don't want to talk about it."

I run to the kitchen to grab a towel to help with pressure. "I thought you stopped, you told me you stopped."

She looks up at the ceiling almost holding in her tears. "I know, I let you down, I'm so sorry."

"No don't apologise please don't." I remove her hand from her thigh and see different cuts arranged on her leg which I quickly mask with the towel, not baring to look at them anymore. "Hazel." I look up at her, "I think you need to see a therapist."

"No, no never."

"But this can help."

"I've been once, never again."

"But honey-"

"Jane I said no!" I swallow deeply. She looks down at me cleaning her thigh, "you said yes."

"I had to."

"Of course."

"I would've said no."

"But obviously you had no choice."

I look down and focus to her leg. "Come with me."


"Come with me to Hollywood."

"Jane I-"

"We can spend a week together, just me and you and maybe we can look into things we can do for the future after everything."

"No, I need to have a break."

I stop what I'm doing. I look up at her and see the struggle in her eyes. I feel tears form but I breathe. "Okay."


"Whatever you need I'll do."

She kneels down to me, "I don't want to break up I just want to fix me."

"I'll make you a deal." She tilts her head. "We take a break for now, I go to Hollywood and finish the film but during that time I want you to not be afraid to seek for help. It doesn't make you look any less weaker because in fact, it makes you look stronger for trying to become your healthier self again. I need you to do that for me Hazel because I can't have you like this. I can't see you hurting like this."

"But what if we enjoy the break?"

"Then that means we aren't meant for each other in this life."

She cries, "but I love you."

"And I will love you for eternity but I also know that I'm hurting you."

She looks away, "and what if I need you at anytime?"

"You call me and I'm here."

Just then the door opens dramatically. I quickly push Hazel into the bathroom and shut the door.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Joel says.

"She was getting dressed and that is no way to enter her apartment."

"And guess what Jane? That was no way for you and Hazel to act out there in-front of everyone. You were basically fucking on the dance floor!"

"Oh shut it!"

"I want you two to break up now. We are engaged and this isn't right."

"Joel I don't think you have a say of what wrong and what's right."

"Break up."

"No, I love her."

"What does she have that I don't?"

"A fucking heart that's one."

"Fucking dyke."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard."

Hazel walks out the bathroom. "Sorry? Am I interrupting something?"

"Hazel you stay away from my fiancé." Joel shouts.

"Or what?" She walks up to me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"The video is right here." He threats and with that hazel backs away.

"It's fine, you won't have to worry about me anymore because I'm not going with you to Hollywood remember?" Joel nods. "However that doesn't mean she's not my girlfriend." She walks closer to Joel. "Because as much as you call her your fiancé, we both know deep down that I should've been the one to give her that ring." I feel myself get heated at how protective and dominant hazel is being compared to her cute side. She walks off and stands next to me. "Now Joel I would like one more night with my girlfriend before she leaves."

He nods and walks out the door.

I turn to her a smile.

"What do we mean by break?"

"I think it means we just don't see each other for a while. I won't date but obviously you have Joel but I won't date I'll wait for you. I'll go to therapy and get better for you."

"No not for me, for you" I hug her, "I want you to do this for you, no one else."

𝐂𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 • 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 • 𝐰𝐥𝐰Where stories live. Discover now