School... Or More?

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Once Tuesday came around, it was the first day of the tutoring school. I was thankful because this morning I didn't have any issues with morning sickness.

I threw a new notebook and binder into my purse along with a few snacks and an Arizona tea. Grabbing my keys from the doorway, I pulled the door open and walked outside closing it behind me. The blistering snow about blinded me at first, but it was only a two block walk so there wasnt much to complain about.

I arrived twenty minutes later, ringing the doorbell. Rubbing my cold hands together, I looked up at the door as it opened.

Holy fucking shit.

A guy this hot is my teacher? Jesus, I'm about to fail at being home schooled.

"You must be Selena, correct?"

I nodded numbly.

"Yeah, that would be me."

"Well don't be shy, come in and warm up. The other kids are in the kitchen where hot chocolate. Feel free to enjoy it before classes start in ten minutes."

"That's so nice of you, thank you."

I walked inside and took my boots off, placing them on the show rack. He led me into the kitchen where there was six other students.

I wouldn't be lying if I said I felt like I would come here and get judged, but that's not true. After talking to them all during hot chocolate, I learned all of their stories.

The first girl was a few months older than me and pregnant, I think she said six months. Her name was Shilo. The next girl was Angel, she had depression and had scars on her arms from the days she used to self harm. She was three months clean. The next girl, Ruby, was kicked out of her house because her parents discovered she had a girlfriend.

Then there was four guys. Sheldon was really attractive and smart, but his parents have disowned him since he came out to his parents. So at the age if 16 he had his own apartment and Ruby was his roommate. Andy was a senior that got held back. But being an only child, he had no where to turn after his parents died in a car accident. He couldn't handle public school anymore so he turned to being home schooled. Nick here, well he was kicked out of school because he got caught with weed multiple times.

"Alright guys, cups in the sink and come get seated so we can start."

So one by one we put our cups in the sink and went into the large dining room that was capable of seating all of us while he sat at the head of the table.

He motioned for me to sit next to Nick, which I gladly did. First we were starting with English and the current lessons they were on was poetry. Thank god because that was easy enough for me and something I liked.

But my god, as he read the poetry, I watched him. I wanted to get lost in the words, but instead I got lost in him.

Mr. Dornan was something else man, something irresistible. Like really, if you looked at him, you could see why. When I first got here, he was in a white t-shirt as he was putting his sweater on. Those abs, that chest, the v-line, the happy trail. Alright Gomez' don't do too much now. But his long dark brown hair was slicked back, and he had a light scruff of a beard, like a five o'clock shadow. His dark brown eyes were piercing... That's when I realized he was starring at me.

"Selena are you okay?"

Clearing my throat, I shook my head.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Dornan. My stomach was just getting a little queasy."

It was a good save, even though I didn't feel sick at all.

"The bathroom is right down the hall. You may excuse yourself whenever you need to, there's also bottled water in the fridge. Feel free to take some if you need it."

I nodded and pushed my chair out and got up. Walking out of the room I went down to the bathroom and closed the bathroom behind me. Flicking the light on, I stopped and looked in the mirror. Was this really happening?

Anyways, I knew I had to fake this, so I sat in front of the toilet making noises to sound like I was sick. Afterwards I flushed it and washed my hands. When I got to the kitchen, I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. Grabbing the tic tac's I had in my pocket, I popped a few in my mouth and took a drink of the water.

And that's when it hit me... I had the hot for my teacher.

16 & Pregnant (Harlena | Sel & Jamie Dornan)Where stories live. Discover now