New Year's Resolutions

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That was the best gift I could've asked for. A mall cop had seen what Harry was doing and reported him. Not only that, but when I was called down to the station to tell my side of it, I ratted his friends out. Now all four of those low lives are in prison, where they belong.

Today I'm two months along and a small bump is finally showing. After all of the shit I've been put through, up until this moment I couldn't be happier.

School was to start back up in two days, and I'm so glad I don't have to go back. My mom found this tutor that only lives a few blocks away from my house that teaches kids my age. So now I won't be behind. Even better, I'll probably be ahead of everyone in my grade. But I do plan to go back to school next year for my senior year.

So it's safe to say that this year could be different. And I hope for the best, truthfully. Maybe I'll even make some new friends in this class tutoring.


"Violet!" I squealed as she walked through my front door. "Sel, I've missed you so much over break! We gotta talk and catch up." I closed the door behind her as she took off her snow boots, then dragging me up the stairs.

Once we got back to my room, we sat across from each other on my bed.

"So what happened at the lodge?" I asked, as she squirmed on the bed.

"It was typical. Eating, snowboarding, skiing. But you wanna know what the best part was? I met a guy up there, his name is Jason. I'm not even sure how he impressed my parents, even with all of those tattoos. You wanna see some pictures?"

I nodded. She pulled out her phone and opened her gallery, handing it over to me.

He had perfect skin, well, what you could see of it. He had a sleeve on one arm, on his other it only covered his forearm. Then he had various ones on his body. His eyes looked like melted chocolate, and his hair was dirty blonde. Either fluffed out or slicked back.

"How old is he?"


"He's 19?! You're not even 17 yet and your parents are letting you date a 19 year old!"

"I know right? How awesome is that!"

Shaking off her giddy side, she furrowed her brows.

"Where's Harry?"

Just hearing his name made me want to cringe. But she was on vacation for a while and had no idea what had happened. So it wouldn't hurt to catch her up on things.

"I broke up with him."

"What? Why? You're having his baby, why would you do that?"

"It's a long story.."

"C'mon Sel, I have time."

"Okay, fine. We broke up over thanksgiving break because those three guys he always hung out with, well, they raped me..."

I swear the second I said that, she turned pale as a ghost.

"T-T-They did wh-what?"

"Then when I was Christmas shopping, they followed me around, Harry too. He kept making comments. And as soon as my mom got there he was about to punch my stomach but my mom hit him. A mall cop saw it and took him to the station. I went there to do my statement and ratted his friends out. And guess what?"

"What? Please tell me they let them go..."

"Oh hell no. All four of them are rotting away in jail where they belong."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I wish I could've been here for you!"

"It's okay, Violet. What matters is that they're out of my life, and the baby and I are happy and healthy."


YAY, today is an amazing day!! LOVE WON. Equality for all - love wins!!

Also just a heads up, Violet is played by Ariana Grande (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONLIGHT) and Jason is played by Justin Bieber.

While Harry is away in jail, I want you to comment guys Selena would look good with. So comment those and your ships, it would help out a lot!!

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