Fifty Shades of What?

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It was Saturday, a little after 2:30 as I laid on the table. My attention was focused on the small black and white screen. I was lost in a trance by the sound of a heartbeat filling the room.

There was no greater joy in the world than seeing the little bundle of joy. In a few weeks at my next appointment I'd find out the sex of the baby, which I was extremely excited about.

My mom of course wouldn't stop gabbing to the doctor.


Once we got home, I found myself on the couch flipping through channels as I snacked on pickles. Ah, good ol' pregnancy cravings. But wait, did I just hear Jamie's name on tv?

I flipped back a few channels to the news.

"Local tutor of young teens, Jamie Dornan seems to have caught his big break into what could possibly launch a very large acting career. He was casted as the lead role in the upcoming movie Fifty Shades of Grey to play out the role of Christian Grey. Filming will take place in June, and should be in theaters in the winter."

The title sounded familiar. Turning on The Big Bang Theory and finishing my pickle, I pulled up the novel on my iPhone. And it seemed that once I started reading it, I became indulged.

So now my thoughts of him being a total sex god were coming true?

"Honey!" My mom called out. "Brian and I are going out for dinner and taking Gracie with us. Behave."

"Alright mom I will. Have fun, love you!"

"Love you too, sweetheart."

A few minutes after they left, the front door opened and in walked Jamie.

"And there's the big shot himself."

He chuckled as he walked over to me, sitting on the opposite end of the couch.

"What're you up to?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Oh, I don't know. Possibly reading the book for the movie you'll be starting in."

I looked over at him and smirked.

"Research, eh? Just wait to see it in action."

"To prove you're actually a sex god? No thanks, the book is proof enough for me."

"Is that -?"

"Oh wait, I got a new sonogram today!" Grabbing the picture off of the coffee table, I handed it over to him. He took the picture and closely examined it. "Wow, getting big already. How much longer until you find out the sex?"

"I have an appointment in a few weeks." Nodding, he set the picture back down. Motioning me to come over, I gladly obeyed. Pushing the blanket off of my body, I crawled over to him and straddled his lap. He smiled lightly, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"What're you doing tomorrow, Selena?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, tomorrow is Valentine's Day, so that means watching possibly every Nicholas Sparks' movie possible."

"Instead of that, I think you should come to my house."

"For what?"

"It's the only was as of now that I can take you out on a date."


"So is it a date?"

I nodded.

"It's a date."

16 & Pregnant (Harlena | Sel & Jamie Dornan)Where stories live. Discover now