Splitting Up

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I didnt make it home until the next day. And to be quiet honest, I looked horrible. Harry's friends fucked me over, big time.

There was bruises and cuts covering my face and my body. My legs were trembling from the long walk home in the cold and snow. My stomach was churning from the usual morning sickness. But now the core of my body radiated with such pain from what I had to be forced upon all night.

When I walked through the front door, my mom and stepdad rushed over to me.

"Selena! What happened to you? I was worried sick!"

But the moment she stepped back and took a good look at me, she got the idea. Tears formed in her eyes causing me to frown.

I looked over to see Harry on the couch rubbing his eyes, from what seemed like him just waking up. As soon as he caught glimpse of me, all the color from his skin disappeared.

"Have nothing to say, do you Harry?"

"Selena, who did this to you?" My mom chirped in. But I chose not to respond to the question as I walked over to Harry.

"Your so called "friends" Alex, Nick, and Dave did this to me. They took me last night. They forced me to do things I didn't want to do. All three of your friends raped me! As payback!"

My stepdad Brian walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder and turned me around to face him.

"You mean to say your boyfriends friends raped you last night? As payback for what?"

"Payback for him getting me pregnant and getting kicked off the football team, and me getting kicked off from cheerleading." Before I continued, I shot Harry a glare. "And none of them wore a condom either."

His jaw practically dropped to the floor, but suddenly he had a look of sorrow.

"Mom, I want you to report it to the school and the cops. I could care less about his friends."

"Selena, baby, you're overdoing it."

"So you think the situation she was put in is overdoing it? You think she wanted that? She has every right to not give a damn about them anymore."

Walking over to Harry, I placed my pointer finger on his chest.

"And you know what, baby?" I put a dark tone on the word baby as I emphasized it to get my point across. "You let me get drunk that night. That way I'd forget about it and you could remember it. You knew you had no protection. You knew what the hell you were doing when you fucked me. You knew the outcome. Even better! Your little friends told me you agreed to let them take advantage of me and rape me. And you know what? Because of that, were through."

"You sick son of a bitch!" My mom yelled out from behind me. Craning my neck to the side, I saw the anger pent up inside of her. She walked up to Harry, and in one swift motion her hand met his cheek. "Get out of my house this instant!"

16 & Pregnant (Harlena | Sel & Jamie Dornan)Where stories live. Discover now