Morning Sickness vs. Christmas

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I haven't talked to Harry since the beginning of the month when everything went down. I choose not to associate with him in school either. He would try his best, but I wasn't for it. Why should I give him the time of day?

It's hard, I'm six weeks pregnant, and not going back to school. It's Christmas Eve, the first day of winter vacation. Something I couldn't wait for, because I knew at this point I would be home schooled for the rest of the year.

Between the cheer teams, Harry and his friends, it wasnt a friendly environment for me. My teachers were aware of it, that's why I was constantly excusing myself from classes. Well, besides the morning sickness.

As day by day went by, I was realizing how hard this would be. My mom and step-dad are being really supportive which is great, but the amount of pressure and stress this being onto you is ridiculous. I'm so mad at Harry, but I miss him so much.

I miss his hugs. I miss his kiss. I miss his touch. I miss his husky voice in the mornings.

Thanks to being sick so often, I hadn't really been able to do much of any Christmas shopping. But since I had some money saved up from my job, I decided to take the bus down to the local shopping mall.

It was crowded, lines a mile long, kids crying as they waited to see a glimpse of Santa and tell the last minute gift they wanted. People passing by had multiple bags in each hand as they tried to lug through everyone.

I wasnt sure where to start off, or aware of what my mom or Brian would like. So I started with something easy, buying clothes and toys for my baby sister.

Making my way through the crowd, I found the children's place and went in with hopes I'd find some cute stuff. The first thing I picked up was a shirt that had Elsa and Olaf on it that came with a pair of leggings and a tutu. I knew she would like it because she absolutely loves Frozen.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't preggo..."

I knew that voice, it was Harry. Ever since I broke up with him he's turned into a total douche just like his fuck buddies. That's why I really couldn't stand being near or around him anymore.

"Shopping for the baby already? You aren't even two months yet."

"I have a baby sister, you moron."

I put the outfits into the cart and pushed it away from the spot. Why was he following around? It made me completely uncomfortable. His friends had to be here too, without a doubt. So I pulled out my phone and texts my mom, 'Harry's following me around the mall...'

Deciding to just ignore him and continue my shopping, I paid for the clothes and left the store. Feeling my phone buzz I pulled it out of my pocket to see my mom had text me back saying, 'I'll be down there in 20 minutes, meet me by the food court.'

"Shit..." I mumbled. I needed to get him off my back so I could hurry up and shop for my mom before she got down here.

Turning the corner, I went into BeBe first. For the past month she's been eyeing up a shirt in there that she wanted, but never went for it. After I picked that up, I went into Forever 21 and Body Central to pick out some more clothes and jewelry. Once I finished that, it was about time to meet my mom so I headed down to the food court.

Just as I was about to get there, a pair of hands gripped my wrist and pushed me into the wall. Being completely blindsided from it, once I finally looked up I saw it was Harry with the same three guys from before. 'C'mon mom, where are you when I need you?' He gripped my chin to make me look directly at him.

"What?" I spat.

"Don't give me a fucking attitude, I could end you so easily, sweetheart."

"End me and your child, right?"

"I don't give a fuck about that baby. You could both burn in hell for all I care, and I might as well start that now."

He started to ball hi fist up.

"Really, in public? You're a worthless piece of shit, Styles."

Just as his fist got closer to me, I ducked down the second I saw a huge purse coming in his direction. Confused as to why I did that, he turned in the direction. My mom hit him square in the face, causing him to stumble back into his friends.

"You're messing with the wrong people, Harry.".

16 & Pregnant (Harlena | Sel & Jamie Dornan)Where stories live. Discover now